News Releases
Hoeven: North Dakota Developing Unprecedented Autonomous Capabilities with a Global Reach
HORACE, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today kicked off the Autonomous Nation Conference being held at Grand Farm and outlined how North Dakota is developing unprecedented autonomous capabilities with a global reach. Specifically, Hoeven highlighted two ongoing efforts in Grand Forks that will shape the future of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) operations: Space Networking Center - The center will support the Space Development Agency's (SDA) new low-Earth orbit (LEO) mission, which will serve as th… Continue Reading
ND Delegation Statement on Merger Agreement Between Canadian Pacific, Kansas City Southern Railways
WASHINGTON - Senators John Hoeven and Kevin Cramer and Congressman Kelly Armstrong issued the following statement after Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) and Kansas City Southern Railway (KCS) announced a merger agreement. Earlier this summer, the delegation wrote the Surface Transportation Board (STB) in support of the proposed merger between KCS and CP, outlining that a merger will open new markets for North Dakota producers. Moving forward, the merger agreement will require final approval from th… Continue Reading
Hoeven Helps Introduce Legislation Awarding Congressional Gold Medals to 13 American Heroes Killed in Afghanistan
BISMARCK, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today joined Senators Steve Daines (R-Mont.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) in introducing bipartisan legislation in the Senate to award Congressional Gold Medals to the 13 American servicemembers who lost their lives during the terrorist attacks in Kabul, Afghanistan on August 26, 2021. "Last month, these 13 servicemembers gave this nation their last full measure of devotion," said Hoeven. "This is about recognizing the actions of these American heroes and… Continue Reading
Hoeven: DHS Awards More Than $1 Million for Counter-UAS Research & Demonstration Project At UND
GRAND FORKS, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today announced that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has awarded more than $1 million to the University of North Dakota (UND) to advance efforts to counter potential threats from unmanned aerial systems (UAS). Under the contract, UND will research the current capabilities, limitations and constraints of existing UAS technologies to assess potential threats. Following this assessment, the university will lead counter-UAS demonstrations to eva… Continue Reading
Hoeven Statement on 20th Anniversary of September 11 Terrorist Attacks
BISMARCK, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement in advance of the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks committed against the United States. "As we observe the 20th anniversary of these terrible attacks against our nation, we not only remember the lives lost, but we also look back with gratitude for all of the first responders who risked their lives that day and the men and women who have since served in the Global War on Terrorism. Our state's s… Continue Reading
Hoeven, FSA Administrator Outline New ELAP Coverage for Producers' Feed Transportation Costs During Drought
BISMARCK, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven, Ranking Member of the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Committee and a senior member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, today hosted Farm Service Agency (FSA) Administrator Zach Ducheneaux to outline the permanent expansion of the Emergency Assistance for Livestock Program (ELAP) to provide producers impacted by severe drought with 60% reimbursement of their feed transportation costs above what would have been incurred in a normal year. Hoeven hosted D… Continue Reading
Hoeven Statement on Biden COVID-19 Executive Action
BISMARCK, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven issued the following statement after President Biden announced COVID-19 executive actions, including mandating vaccines or weekly testing for businesses with more than 100 employees: "The Biden administration's mandate on private businesses to force their workers to get vaccinated is government overreach. Individuals should be able to make medical decisions in consultation with their health care providers, as opposed to one-size-fits-all mandates from the f… Continue Reading
Hoeven Announces $25 Million Federal Loan for Red Trail Energy to Advance CCUS
BISMARCK, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven, Ranking Member of the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Committee and a senior member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, today announced that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has granted a $25 million loan to Red Trail Energy LLC in Richardton. This financial support will advance efforts for the ethanol manufacturing facility to construct a facility for carbon-capture processing and storage. This project will reduce emissions by forty to … Continue Reading
Hoeven: Great Plains Synfuels Plant Will Be Largest Coal-Based CCUS Project to Use Geologic Storage
BEULAH, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, today joined company leaders from Basin Electric Power Cooperative and the Dakota Gasification Company (DGC) in announcing a proposed carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) project in development at the Great Plains Synfuels Plant near Beulah. The facility currently captures approximately 2 million tons of the plant's CO2emissions, which are piped to Saskatchewan for use in enhanced oil rec… Continue Reading
Hoeven Working to Ensure FWS Wetlands Appeals Process is Fair, Provides Due Process to Landowners
BURLINGTON, N.D. - At a meeting with North Dakota stakeholders today, Senator John Hoeven joined Senator Kevin Cramer in urging Interior Assistant Secretary Shannon Estenoz to ensure the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) respects landowners' property rights and provides due process when making and enforcing wetlands determinations. In particular, Hoeven outlined his efforts, along with Cramer, to establish a process to appeal FWS wetlands maps and resolve questions regarding compliance: In… Continue Reading
Hoeven Secures Assistance for Producers' Feed Transportation Costs
BISMARCK, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven, Ranking Member of the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Committee and a senior member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, today secured additional drought relief for livestock producers, working with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to permanently expand the Emergency Assistance for Livestock Program (ELAP) to now cover feed transportation costs, in addition to water transportation costs. Under the expanded coverage, producers will be reimbursed… Continue Reading
Hoeven Statement on Otter Tail Power's Plan to Sell Share in Coyote Station
BISMARCK, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, today issued the following statement after Otter Tail Power Company announced its intent to sell its partial ownership of the Coyote Station Power Plant in Beulah by 2028. Hoeven spoke with Otter Tail President and CEO Chuck MacFarlane this week to discuss the planned sale of the company's partial ownership and efforts to ensure the station continues operating beyond 2028. The station's co-owners… Continue Reading
Hoeven Announces DOE Funding to NDSU for Rare-Earth Elements Research
FARGO, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, today announced that the Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded $1.9 million to North Dakota State University (NDSU). This grant will be used to explore rare-earth elements (REE) and platinum group elements (PGE) in an effort to reduce reliance on foreign imports and advance global competitiveness. "Today's funding will support NDSU's efforts to strengthen our domestic supply of rare-earth element… Continue Reading
ND Delegation: President Approves Disaster Declaration Covering Summer Storms in North Dakota
BISMARCK, N.D. - Senators John Hoeven and Kevin Cramer and Congressman Kelly Armstrong today issued the following statement after President Biden approved a disaster declaration for North Dakota covering the impacts of severe storms in June. The delegation wrote to the president last month, urging him to approve the state's request for a disaster declaration. "Even while North Dakota faces historic drought conditions, the June storms caused severe damage due to overland flooding, tornados, hail… Continue Reading
Hoeven Outlines Benefits of Exports to Rural Businesses, North Dakota's Economy
FARGO, N.D. - Senators John Hoeven and Amy Klobuchar today held a roundtable with the North Dakota District Export Council and business leaders from companies in North Dakota and northwestern Minnesota to review the first year of operations for the Rural Export Center (REC), which is based out of the U.S. Commercial Service (USCS) office in Fargo. The REC provides customized market research, analysis and planning to assist rural businesses across the country in offering their products and servic… Continue Reading
Hoeven: EPA Announces North Dakotans Appointed to Advisory Panel
FARGO, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today released the following statement after U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Michael Regan named Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara (MHA) Nation Chairman Mark Fox to the Local Government Advisory Committee (LGAC) and North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality Director Dave Glatt to the LGAC's Small Communities Advisory Subcommittee (SCAS). "Chairman Fox and Director Glatt are both uniquely qualified to offer important advice and input t… Continue Reading
Hoeven Statement on U.S. Troops Leaving Afghanistan
BISMARCK, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Defense Appropriations Committee, issued the following statement today in response to the United States Armed Forces withdrawing from Afghanistan: "The Biden administration committed that all Americans and our allies would be brought out of Afghanistan. Unfortunately, the administration instead chose to leave without fulfilling that commitment. I fear this withdrawal, which also includes leaving behind valuable military equipment, wil… Continue Reading
Hoeven Joins Colleagues in Calling on VA to Address Impact of Afghanistan Withdrawal on Veterans' Mental Health
BISMARCK, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Committee, today joined Senators Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), and 32 other senators in calling on the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to develop a comprehensive outreach plan to connect Afghanistan and Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) veterans to VA benefits and services. Today's letter outlines the critical need to provide mental health resources geared at pre… Continue Reading
Hoeven, Cramer: Grand Forks AFB to Lead Future Air Force Missions
GRAND FORKS, N.D. - Senators John Hoeven, a Senate Defense Appropriations Committee member, and Kevin Cramer, a Senate Armed Services Committee member, issued a joint statement today on the U.S. Air Force announcing plans for Grand Forks Air Force Base (AFB) and the 319th Reconnaissance Wing (RW). These plans result from the senators' advocacy with Air Force Chief of Staff General Charles Q. Brown Jr., about restructuring Air Force Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities to … Continue Reading
Hoeven Statement on Attacks in Kabul
GRAND FORKS, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Defense Appropriations Committee, today issued the following statement after the Pentagon reported U.S. service members were killed in terrorist attacks near the Kabul airport: "Our prayers are with our service members and their loved ones following today's attacks in Kabul. Our men and women in uniform have served and are serving courageously in Afghanistan to battle terrorists and keep us safe. Today's bombings and the tragic de… Continue Reading