News Releases
Hoeven: Energy and Natural Resource Committee Passes Hoeven-Manchin Bill to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline
WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator John Hoeven today announced that the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee has passed legislation that he and Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) introduced to approve the Keystone XL pipeline project. The measure now goes to the floor for debate and the amendment process. Both Hoeven and Manchin serve on the Committee, which is chaired by Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska). The Hoeven-Manchin legislation approves the project under Congress's authority enumerated in t… Continue Reading
Hoeven Cosponsors Bipartisan Bill to Set Clear Timeline for LNG Export Applications
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven, a member of the U.S. Senate Energy Committee, this week joined a bipartisan group of senators in introducing legislation to improve the approval process for exporting liquefied natural gas (LNG) to countries that do not have free trade agreements with the United States. The LNG Permitting Certainty and Transparency Act requires the Secretary of Energy to make a decision on any LNG export application within 45 days of a completed environmental review document. "… Continue Reading
New Majority Calls for Swift Approval of Keystone XL Pipeline
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sens. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, and John Hoeven, R-N.D., today encouraged their Senate colleagues to support newly-reintroduced legislation to approve the long-delayed Keystone XL pipeline. Murkowski joined Hoeven and several other colleagues on the Senate floor Wednesday afternoon to confirm their ongoing support for the project. It has now been 2,301 days - more than six years - and counting since the company seeking to build Keystone XL submitted an application for a … Continue Reading
Hoeven, Manchin Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline in New Congress
WASHINGTON - U.S. Senators John Hoeven (R-N.D.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) today introduced legislation to approve the Keystone XL pipeline project under Congress's authority enumerated in the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8. The Hoeven-Manchin bill, S.1, is the first piece of legislation brought to the floor in the 114th Congress. Sixty senators are cosponsoring the bill, and 63 senators have indicated support for the legislation at this point. The senators, bot… Continue Reading
Hoeven Statement on the President's Threat to Veto His Keystone XL Approval Bill
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement in response to White House spokesman Josh Earnest's statement that President Obama won't sign the senator's Keystone XL approval bill if it passes Congress: "President Obama's veto threat comes as no surprise. He has held the Keystone XL pipeline project up for six years with endless bureaucratic delays - his strategy has been defeat through delay. That's unfortunate, because the Keystone XL pipeline should be approved on its… Continue Reading
Hoeven: Congress Takes First Step to Eliminate Proposed Waters of the U.S. Regulation
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today said he is working on a two-step process to eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) proposed Waters of the U.S. regulation, which would bring almost every acre of wet ground under federal Clean Water Act (CWA) jurisdiction. The U.S. Congress took the first step in its recently passed omnibus appropriations bill by defunding the Waters of the U.S. Interpretive Rule, which the EPA issued to implement the Waters of the U.S. regulation for farmer… Continue Reading
Hoeven Statement on President Obama's Remarks Today on the Keystone XL Pipeline
FARGO, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement in response to President Barack Obama's remarks about the Keystone XL pipeline: "After six years of delay, President Obama's comments about the Keystone XL pipeline today were more of the same and just not accurate. "The President said that the pipeline would move only Canadian oil and that it would all be exported. He's wrong on both counts. The Keystone XL pipeline will also carry light sweet crude from North Dakota and M… Continue Reading
Hoeven: Congress Supports Global Hawk, Invests in UAS Research
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today met with members of the Grand Forks Base Realignment Impact Committee (BRIC) to outline key provisions in the Fiscal Year 2015 omnibus funding bill that support missions at Grand Forks Air Force Base and help to further the region as a leader in unmanned aerial systems (UAS). Hoeven worked to include provisions in the bill to fund the Global Hawk in 2015 and support UAS research. "This legislation supports our efforts in the Grand Forks region, both on the… Continue Reading
Hoeven: Senate Passes Tax Increase Prevention Act
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today announced that Congress has passed the Tax Increase Prevention Act, legislation that will extend through the end of 2014, certain tax credits and deductions that expired at the end of 2013 or during 2014. Of particular importance to North Dakotans, the measure extends Section 179, a part of the tax code that allows farmers, ranchers and other small businesses to expense the purchase of equipment they need to run their operations. Passage means they can now … Continue Reading
Hoeven Worked to Include $4 Million in Water Bank Funding for Farmers and Ranchers in Omnibus Approps Bill
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today announced that the omnibus appropriations bill Congress approved last weekend included $4 million for 2015 for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Water Bank Program (WBP), which compensates farmers and landowners for flooded land using short-term conservation leases. As a member of the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee, Hoeven has worked to get the funding approved annually since 2012. Severe flooding of agricultural land has been a problem in … Continue Reading
Hoeven Statement in Response to the President's Announcement of a Change in Cuba Policy, the Release of Alan Gross
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement in response to President Barack Obama's announcement that he will change U.S. policy toward Cuba: "Like all of us, I celebrate the release of American Alan Gross after five years of captivity in Cuba and welcome his return. I can only imagine his family's relief and joy when they were reunited with him. "With regard to Cuba policy, I am committed to expanding agricultural trade where we can. Easing trade restrictions on sell… Continue Reading
Hoeven Announces Nearly $1.2 Million Grant for Flood Mitigation, Home Buyouts in Cass County
HOEVEN ANNOUNCES NEARLY $1.2 MILLION GRANT FOR FLOOD MITIGATION, HOME BUYOUTS IN CASS COUNTY WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven announced the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is awarding nearly $1.2 million dollars to North Dakota for flood mitigation in Cass County. The funds are made available through FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program and will be used for the acquisition and demolition of nine flood-prone residences in the county. "These FEMA funds will support the removal of st… Continue Reading
Hoeven Pushes on Senate Floor to Pass Tax Increase Prevention Act, Including Extension of Section 179
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven Monday spoke on the Senate floor to press for a vote on the Tax Increase Prevention Act, legislation that will extend through the end of 2014, certain tax credits and deductions that expired either at the end of calendar year 2013 or during 2014. Of particular importance to North Dakota, the measure extends Section 179, a part of the tax code that allows farmers, ranchers and other small businesses to expense the purchase of equipment they need to run their oper… Continue Reading
Hoeven Statement on Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's Plan to Make Keystone XL First Order of Business in New Congress
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement in response to the plan to make Hoeven's Keystone XL approval legislation the first order of business in the 114th Congress: "Leader McConnell announced today that my Keystone XL approval bill will be the first order of business in the new Congress. He has also indicated that we will take it up in regular order, with an open amendment process and debate on the floor of the U.S. Senate. By going to regular order and allowing a… Continue Reading
Hoeven Announces $310,000 in Economic Development Grants for North Dakota
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today announced that the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) is awarding grants totaling $310,000 to help support economic development in North Dakota communities. The grants will be used to implement comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS) plans to bring together public and private sectors to strengthen and diversify regional economies. "These grants will help to develop and diversify the economies of communities across North Dakota," said… Continue Reading
Hoeven Statement on NDSU Bison's Win in Today's Quarterfinal Game
FARGO, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement after the North Dakota State University Bison win over Coastal Carolina in today's quarterfinal game of the Football Championship Subdivision playoffs. The final score was 39 to 32. "Once again, the Bison demonstrated their resilience and talent on the field. The Chanticleers played a lively game, leading right into the fourth quarter, but the Bison defense held them and our offense came back with a long, exciting touchdown … Continue Reading
Hoeven: Congress Passes Omnibus Appropriations Legislation for 2015
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven, who serves on the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee, today announced that the U.S. Senate and House have passed an omnibus appropriations bill, a bipartisan measure that will fund the U.S. federal government through September of 2015. The House of Representatives passed the measure by a vote of 219 to 206, with 162 Republicans and 57 Democrats voting for the bill. The Senate vote was 54 to 40. "It's important that we passed this bill to keep the government f… Continue Reading
Hoeven: Congress Passes Defense Authorization Legislation
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today announced that Congress has passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which includes important provisions to benefit North Dakota and bolster the nation's defense. "We worked to ensure that the defense authorization legislation supports the nuclear missions at Minot Air Force Base, the Global Hawk missions at Grand Forks and other North Dakota priorities," said Hoeven. "The bill provides our military with the resources and tools they need to … Continue Reading
Hoeven: Congress Passes Legislation to Improve Permitting Process for Energy Development, Grazing on Federal Lands
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today announced that Congress has passed provisions to improve the federal permitting process for oil and gas wells and grazing on federal lands. The provisions approved today include the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Processing Improvement Act, legislation cosponsored by the senator that makes permanent the BLM's pilot permitting office in Sydney, Montana. This bill builds on Hoeven's BLM Streamlining Act, which made it possible for that BLM office to process … Continue Reading
Hoeven Welcomes Home 2-285th Aviation Regiment at Freedom Salute
BISMARCK, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today welcomed home the C Company, 2nd Battalion, 285th Aviation Regiment of the North Dakota National Guard (NDNG) at a Freedom Salute in Bismarck. The unit of 36 soldiers recently returned from a one-year deployment to Kosovo. "We have much to be thankful for during this holiday season and today we are reminded once again that the blessings we enjoy in this country are preserved by brave soldiers like those of the 2-285th," said Hoeven. "We are grateful … Continue Reading