News Releases
Hoeven: North Dakota, Statoil a Key to Energy Security for U.S. and Allies, Can Help Create Jobs, Reduce Flaring
WILLISTON, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven (R-N.D.) today was joined by Statoil Senior Vice President for Onshore Operations, Torstein Hole to showcase Statoil's investments and operations in western North Dakota. Statoil, working with North Dakota and other partners, can help to create energy independence for the United States and reduce European reliance on Russian natural gas. Hoeven was in Norway last week as part of a Senate delegation to Europe working to help build a long-term energy plan t… Continue Reading
Hoeven Pushing VA to Allow Veterans to Secure More Health Care Services In Local Communities Rather Than Travel to Fargo
WILLISTON, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today hosted a roundtable in Williston to discuss the Fargo VA Health Care System's (HCS) plans to allow veterans to secure more health care services in western North Dakota when available rather than make the long drive to the Fargo VA facility. Currently, the VA offers services in the western part of the state through local outpatient community clinics in Williston, Minot and Dickinson, but veterans are compelled to travel to the Fargo VA facility for some… Continue Reading
Hoeven: Baltic States Back Unified Front to Deter Russian Aggression
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven (R-N.D.) today said the West's response to Russian aggression has to be strategic, comprehensive and united. Working with the European Union (EU) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Hoeven said we need to impose sanctions, reinvigorate our defensive alliance and make sure we stand together to maintain peace and stability in the region. Hoeven and Senators John McCain (R-Ariz.), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) met with high-level … Continue Reading
Hoeven, Heitkamp Bring FAA Head to North Dakota, Administrator Announces State as First UAS Test Site to Be Up and running
GRAND FORKS, N.D. - U.S. Senators Heidi Heitkamp and John Hoeven today brought Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Administrator Michael Huerta to North Dakota, where he announced that the Northern Plains Unmanned Systems Authority, headquartered in Grand Forks, is the nation first unmanned aerial systems (UAS) to be officially up and running. The Senators today gave Huerta, who visited the state at the Senators' request, a firsthand look at North Dakota's incredible unmanned aerial potenti… Continue Reading
Hoeven: New Post Office Improvements to Benefit North Dakota
BISMARCK, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today announced that the United States Postal Service (USPS) will this week bring Mobile Point of Sale (mPOS) devices to six locations in North Dakota. This development follows Hoeven's ongoing work with USPS, including advocating for the installation of mPOS, to improve service across North Dakota. "I have been working hard to see that USPS increases and improves service across North Dakota, especially in the rapidly growing western portion of the state, an… Continue Reading
Hoeven Statement on the U.S. State Department's Extension of State Agency Comment Period for the Keystone XL Pipeline
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement in response to the State Department's announcement that it will delay indefinitely the period federal agencies have to comment on the Keystone XL pipeline project, and almost certainly postpone a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline project until after the November election. "President Obama's Keystone XL strategy is clearly defeat through delay. He claims adherence to process, but whenever he runs out of process, he finds … Continue Reading
Hoeven Announces $3 Million USDA Allocation for ND Specialty Crops
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today announced that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has allocated over $3 million for the North Dakota Department of Agriculture through its Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP), a program that supports states' efforts to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops, such as fruits, vegetables, herbs and tree nuts. Through the SCBGP, state departments of agriculture can support specialty crop growers through research and projects that … Continue Reading
Hoeven Statement on the Surface Transportation Board Rail Service Decision
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement on the U.S. Surface Transportation Board's (STB) decision to order Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) and BNSF Railway to report to STB by April 18 their plans to ensure delivery of fertilizer shipments for the spring planting of crops. Further, the railroads are required to provide the board with weekly status reports, including delivery data and number of cars associated with agricultural deliveries. "STB's decision to require r… Continue Reading
Hoeven in Europe Working to Help Build European Energy Plan in Face of Russian Aggression
OSLO, NORWAY - Senator John Hoeven (R-N.D.) was in Norway Monday as part of a week-long Senate delegation to Europe to help build a long-term energy plan that will help reduce Ukraine's and the region's dependence on Russian natural gas. Also on the mission is Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.). Hoeven and the Senate delegation met in Norway Monday with high ranking Norwegian energy officials and senior executives of Statoil, a major multinational oil and gas Norwegian company with operations in t… Continue Reading
Hoeven: Farmers and Ranchers Can Sign-Up for Livestock Indemnity Program Beginning Today
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven announced that beginning today, April 15, North Dakota farmers and ranchers who suffered livestock losses can contact their local Farm Service Agency (FSA) office to sign-ups for the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) today. The 2014 Farm Bill provides LIP for the life of the farm bill, including coverage for the current fiscal year, since the program expired in 2011. It covers 75 percent of the value of the animals lost with an aggregate limit of $125,000. To ex… Continue Reading
Hoeven Calls on USDA, DOE and EPA to Halt Regulations on Livestock Emissions
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven is calling on the Department of Agriculture (USDA), Department of Energy (DOE) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to refrain from regulating livestock emissions as part of the President's proposed methane reduction plan. In a letter to the agency heads, Hoeven pressed them not to impose regulations on livestock emissions that if enacted could cost medium-sized dairy farms up to $22,000 and medium-sized cattle farms up to $27,000 annually. "We need com… Continue Reading
Hoeven, Cantwell Introduce the Farm and Small Business Expensing Tax Relief Act
WASHINGTON - Senators John Hoeven (R-N.D.) and Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) have introduced the Farm and Small Business Expensing Tax Relief Act, legislation that eases the burden of unfair and onerous new repair expensing regulations for small businesses and family farms that became effective January 1st of this year. Hoeven's and Cantwell's legislation amends the IRS code to alleviate the negative impacts of the new Tangible Property Repair Regulations (TD 9636), which forces family farms and othe… Continue Reading
Hoeven: BNSF Says it will Devote Unit Trains, Necessary Crews to Help Catch Up on Fertilizer Deliveries
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven spoke to BNSF Railway Executive Chairman Matt Rose on the phone this weekend to urge the railroad to do everything it can to ensure timely delivery of fertilizer for spring planting. Hoeven pressed him on the importance of getting the product to farmers within the planting window and Rose told the senator that the company will take specific steps to reduce the delays and should be able to cut them considerably by reallocating resources. "Getting seed and fertil… Continue Reading
Hoeven, Vitter, Cochran to FEMA: Quit Stalling on Flood Insurance Policy Protection
WASHINGTON - U.S. Senators John Hoeven (R-N.D.), David Vitter (R-La.) and Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) Thursday sent a letter to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Craig Fugate requesting a meeting to discuss a plan to implement the recently passed flood insurance reform law and reinstating rates as Congress intended. The Senators want Fugate to explain why property owners continue to be charged higher flood insurance rates, despite a bipartisan law passed in March to protect the… Continue Reading
Hoeven Announces Farmers and Ranchers Can Sign-Up for Livestock Indemnity Program Beginning April 15
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today announced North Dakota farmers and ranchers who suffered livestock losses can contact their local Farm Service Agency (FSA) office beginning April 15 to sign up for the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP). The 2014 Farm Bill provides LIP for the life of the farm bill, including coverage for the current fiscal year, since the program expired in 2011. It covers 75 percent of the value of the animals lost with an aggregate limit of $125,000. To expedite applica… Continue Reading
Hoeven: Air Force Expects to Sign Final Enhanced Use Lease for Grand Sky in Early June
WASHINGTON - At a hearing of the U.S. Senate Appropriations Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee this week, Senator John Hoeven thanked Kathleen I. Ferguson, Acting Assistant Secretary for Air Force Installations, Environment and Logistics for the Air Force's support in creating Grand Sky, a new state-of-the-art aerospace business and technology park on Grand Forks Air Force Base and pressed for a timeline for finalizing the Air Force's enhanced use lease (EUL) with Grand Fork… Continue Reading
Hoeven Calls on Transportation Sec. Foxx to Keep Moving Forward on Comprehensive Plan to Improve Rail Safety
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today again pressed federal regulators to continue moving forward on a comprehensive plan to enhance safety measures for transporting petroleum products by rail. Testifying at a hearing of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development were Department of Transportation (DoT) Secretary Anthony Foxx and National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Chairwoman Deborah Hersman. Hoeven serves on the Appropriations Committee. Hoeven sai… Continue Reading
Hoeven, Klobuchar Driver Privacy Act Moves Forward, Passes Committee
WASHINGTON - The Driver Privacy Act, introduced by Senators John Hoeven (R-N.D.) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), moved a step closer to passage today when the Senate Commerce Committee voted unanimously to approve the legislation. The bipartisan bill, which protects a driver's personal privacy by making explicit that the owner of a vehicle also owns the information collected by the vehicle's Event Data Recorder (EDR), now has 23 cosponsors. An EDR has the ability to continuously collect at least 4… Continue Reading
Hoeven Presses for More Blender Pumps at Gas Stations
WASHINGTON - At a hearing of the Senate Agriculture Committee today, Senator John Hoeven pressed the importance of advancing biofuel use across the country using market-based solutions, specifically by increasing the number of blender pumps available at gas stations. Hoeven was joined by Richard Childress, a former NASCAR driver, who testified about the need to increase the number of blender pumps available to the public. "We have got to get more blender pumps at our gas stations," Hoeven sai… Continue Reading
Hoeven, Heitkamp: Administration Backs Off Missile Silo Reductions
WASHINGTON - U.S. Senators John Hoeven and Heidi Heitkamp today announced that the Pentagon has decided to preserves all of the nation's missile silos in the military's new strategic force structure under the New START Treaty with Russia. The Pentagon had originally planned a study preparatory to demolishing some of the silos, even though such a move was not required under the treaty. As members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Hoeven and Senator Jon Tester (D-Mont.) authored a provisi… Continue Reading