News Releases


Delegation Announces U.S. Service Academy Opportunities

Washington - Senators Kent Conrad and John Hoeven and Congressman Rick Berg announced today they are now accepting applications from North Dakota students interested in serving their country by attending one of the nation's military service academies. "America's military academies are some of the finest schools in the nation, preparing the leaders of tomorrow," the delegation said in a joint statement. "Attending one of these highly competitive institutions is an honor. You receive a world-cl… Continue Reading


Hoeven Congratulates N.D. National Guard's 957th Engineer Company

WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today congratulated the North Dakota National Guard's 957th Engineer Company for being named tops among the nation's military engineer units in America. The U.S. Army announced last week that the company has won the 2010 Itschner Award, which is presented each year to the most outstanding active duty, Reserve and National Guard Engineer units throughout the Army. The award was presented to the 957th for work it completed serving in multiple locations during 2… Continue Reading


Army Corps OKs Plan to Protect Minnewaukan

Washington - Senators Kent Conrad and John Hoeven and Congressman Rick Berg today announced that final approval has been secured from the Army Corps of Engineers for Advanced Protective Measures for Minnewaukan. Local officials requested assistance from the Corps to protect the Minnewaukan Public School and the community from Devils Lake which is rising and encroaching on their community. The delegation noted that this approval means construction can begin to provide necessary protection for t… Continue Reading


Hoeven: Ransom County Added to Federal Emergency Declaration

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Sen. John Hoeven today said his office has pressed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to expand the partial Presidential Disaster Declaration issued last week to Ransom County and to provide additional assistance to Valley City. The Senator continues to press FEMA to expand the period the declaration covers back to February 24, the date of the Governor's original request. The President's declaration currently covers assistance after April 5. "State and local offi… Continue Reading


Hoeven Enlists Support From Air Force Officials for Growing Mission at Minot Air Force Base

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Sen. John Hoeven offered his support for the Air Force's expansion plans at Minot Air Force Base and pressed officials to adequately equip the base for the arrival of new B-52s at a hearing with Air Force Assistant Secretary Terry Yonkers and other Air Force officials at a hearing of the Senate Appropriations Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee. Hoeven noted the growth in operations at Minot Air Force Base, which is now home to the 23rd Bomb Squadron, al… Continue Reading


Hoeven Advocates Air Force Leaders to Build on Success of Unmanned Aerial Systems Operations at Grand Forks

WASHINGTON, D.C.- Sen. John Hoeven Thursday urged Air Force Assistant Secretary Terry Yonkers and Air Force officials to take advantage of the work of Grand Forks Air Force Base in developing and growing unmanned aerial systems (UAS) capabilities. Hoeven, at a hearing of the Senate Appropriations Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee, also offered his support for growing missions at the base. With preparations underway to house the Global Hawk at Grand Forks Air Force Base,… Continue Reading


Hoeven Statement on Passage of Fiscal Year 2011 Continuing Resolution

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Sen. John Hoeven today issued the following statement in response to passage of the Fiscal Year 2011 Continuing Resolution that passed the U.S. Senate this afternoon: "The Continuing Resolution we passed today is the first step in fundamentally changing the upward trajectory of government spending. It will cut $38.5 billion from current spending authority, $78.5 billion from President Obama's proposed 2011 budget, and set us on a path to save $315 billion over th… Continue Reading


Senate Resolution Congratulates The God's Child Project

Washington - Senator Kent Conrad introduced a resolution in the U.S. Senate recognizing the efforts and accomplishments of The God's Child Project and congratulating the Bismarck based nonprofit on its 20th anniversary. Senator John Hoeven is an original co-sponsor of the legislation, which praises the work of The God's Child Project and its founder Patrick Atkinson for working to improve the lives of impoverished children across the world. "We commend God's Child for its two decades of compas… Continue Reading


Conrad, Hoeven Continue Push to Protect Military Funerals

Washington -- Senators Kent Conrad and John Hoeven introduced bipartisan legislation that takes additional steps to further strengthen the federal laws prohibiting protests of military funerals, including new criminal penalties on violators of up to two years in prison. "While I am a staunch defender of the Constitution and the freedom of speech, these vicious verbal assaults on grieving families violate their basic right to privacy," Senator Conrad said. "I've been to these services. I've see… Continue Reading


Hoeven Meets With Top U.S. Air Force General In Support Of Minot Air Force Base

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator John Hoeven today met with Maj. General Floyd L. Carpenter, Commander, 8th Air Force (Air Forces Strategic), Barksdale Air Force Base, La., and Joint Functional Component Commander for Global Strike, U.S. Strategic Command, Offutt AFB, Neb. Air Force Global Strike Command is charged with providing combat ready forces to conduct strategic nuclear deterrence and global strike operations. Hoeven is working to support the Minot Air Force base and the 5th Operations Group… Continue Reading


Conrad, Hoeven Press FEMA for Additional Aid for Flood-Impacted Communities

Washington - After returning from an inspection of the successful flood fight in Fargo over the weekend, Senators Kent Conrad and John Hoeven today pressed Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Craig Fugate to deliver badly needed federal support to help North Dakota communities pay for the costs of the flood fight and recovery. In a letter to Administrator Fugate, the Senators called for additional federal assistance as outlined in the state's formal request for assistance. The … Continue Reading


Conrad, Hoeven Review Fargo, Valley City Flood Protection

Fargo - Senators Kent Conrad and John Hoeven met today with city leaders and flood protection professionals in Fargo to review plans and inspect flood protection efforts ahead of projected record crests in the coming days. Both Senator Conrad and Senator Hoeven are conducting a similar review in Valley City later today. Senator Conrad convened this briefing with Fargo and Cass County officials regarding ongoing flood preparations as the latest estimates show the Red River reaching 39.5 feet th… Continue Reading


Hoeven Statement on This Evening’s Passage of A Short-Term Continuing Resolution to Fund the U.S. Government

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Sen. John Hoeven issued the following statement in response to passage this evening of a short-term continuing resolution passed by the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives: "The short-term measure passed late this evening by the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives is an important and welcome step. It will keep our government running through next week, ensure that our troops continue to be paid, and reduce our spending by an initial $2 billion as a down … Continue Reading


Hoeven Calls For Vote To Continue Funding For Military Pay, Keep Government Operating

WASHINGTON, D.C. - On the floor of the U.S. Senate today, Senator John Hoeven called for a vote to keep the federal government operating, pay our military, and at the same time, take essential steps to tame the nation's debt and deficit. The text of his comments is as follows: Sometimes complex challenges, present clear and compelling choices. Mr. President, that's the case with the fiscal challenge before us today. We have a choice between delay and disruption - or progress and accord, and … Continue Reading


Hoeven: Ensure Military Members Pay If Government Shuts Down

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator John Hoeven is cosponsoring bipartisan legislation to ensure our men and women in uniform, both at home and abroad, continue to receive military pay and allowances in the event of a government shutdown. S.724, the Ensuring Pay for Our Military Act of 2011, a bipartisan bill, would make the necessary funds available to prevent any interruption in pay for active duty members of the military, as well as Coast Guard and Reserve Components, if there is a funding gap. "… Continue Reading


Hoeven Again Urges FEMA to Move Quickly on Presidential Disaster Declaration

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator John Hoeven today again called Federal Emergency Management Administrator Craig Fugate to urge quick approval of the state's request for a Presidential Disaster Declaration. Although Fugate said he couldn't say exactly when the request would be signed, he did say it is moving through the process. Hoeven asked Fugate about the impact of a federal government shutdown on FEMA's response capabilities, and Fugate said it shouldn't be affected. FEMA's disaster response is … Continue Reading


Hoeven: FEMA Needs Flexibility to Provide Common Sense Flood Protections in Red River Valley

WASHINGTON, D.C. - In a speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate this afternoon, Senator John Hoeven highlighted legislation he has authored to provide the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) with the flexibility to better protect lives and property from flooding. The FEMA Common Sense and Cost Effectiveness Act of 2011 will give the agency the flexibility it needs to make "common sense" decisions regarding such situations. Hoeven's remarks are as follows: For example, for some time now… Continue Reading


Hoeven Offers Three-Part Strategy to Create Jobs and Build the National Economy

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Sen. John Hoeven today offered a three-part strategy to get America working again. He cited North Dakota's proactive approach to job creation, and called for the application of common sense to the nation's fiscal challenges. In a speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate, he said: "We can create jobs and lift our nation out of the financial quandary we're in - if we have a will to act and if we focus tirelessly on the kinds of things that create jobs and opportunities for our p… Continue Reading


Hoeven Meets With Top U.S. Air Force General

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator John Hoeven today met with General William Fraser, Commander, Air Combat Command with headquarters at Langley Air Force Base, regarding issues affecting the Combat Command and Grand Forks Air Force Base. During the course of the meeting, Hoeven expressed his support for the Air Combat Command's global mission, which organizes, trains, equips and maintains combat-ready aircraft for rapid deployment throughout the world. The Senator also discussed the emerging oppor… Continue Reading


Hoeven Cosponsors Amendment to Curb EPA Regulation of Greenhouse Gases and to Promote Domestic Energy Production

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator John Hoeven today voted to pass an amendment that will add a new section to the Clean Air Act making certain that it is up to Congress, rather than the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to determine policy regarding greenhouse gases. The legislation, which Hoeven cosponsored, received 50 votes, a near majority of the Senate, but failed to garner the 60 votes needed to pass. A competing bill sponsored by Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) failed to muster support with… Continue Reading

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