News Releases
Hoeven Outlines Synergy between ND UAS Operations & Space Missions, Impact of Sky Range
GRAND FORKS, N.D. - At the Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Summit today, Senator John Hoeven outlined the growing synergy between unmanned operations and the nation’s space missions and the impact of the Test Resource Management Center’s (TRMC) Sky Range program at Grand Sky. The senator made the remarks as part of a discussion with General B. Chance Saltzman, Chief of Space Operations, who Hoeven invited to the annual summit to highlight the links between these air and space missions: The Low-… Continue Reading
Hoeven Brings CommonSpirit Health Midwest CEO to Devils Lake to Address Need for Quality Health Care
DEVILS LAKE, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today brought Tim Bricker, President and CEO of CommonSpirit Health’s Midwest Region, to Devils Lake to discuss the need for improved access to quality health care in the region: Hoeven recently met with CommonSpirit Health CEO Wright Lassiter III in Washington, D.C. to outline the community’s concerns and work towards a solution. During the meeting, Lassiter agreed to send Bricker to Devils Lake to learn about the community’s challenges and see firs… Continue Reading
Hoeven, Senators Oppose Biden FCC's Internet Takeover
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven this week joined Senators John Thune, Ted Cruz and 40 of their colleagues in urging the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to abandon its proposal to reinstate net neutrality rules, heavy-handed Obama-era regulations on the internet. The FCC is seeking to reclassify the internet as a public-utility and grant the FCC expansive additional regulatory power over the internet. “Re-imposing heavy-handed, public-utility regulations on the internet would threaten t… Continue Reading
Hoeven Outlines Mission Enhancements, Growth at Hector Field with Completion of 119th Wing’s New MQ-9 Ops Center
FARGO, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today helped dedicate the North Dakota Air National Guard 119th Wing’s new MQ-9 Reaper Operations Center and outlined his efforts to support the continued growth and enhancement of missions at Hector Field. This includes: Working as a member of the Senate Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Committee to: Secure $17.5 million for the 26,000 sq. ft., state-of-the-art operations center, which was needed to support new advanced technology… Continue Reading
Hoeven Statement on Hamas Attack against Israel
FARGO, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement on the Hamas-led terrorist attack against Israel. “We condemn this horrific attack by Hamas against Israel and offer our condolences and prayers to all of the victims. We stand with our ally and remain committed to supporting Israel as it defends itself. Further, we must hold Iran accountable for its sponsorship of Hamas and other terrorist organizations. It is imperative that we contain Iran and put the greatest pressure po… Continue Reading
Hoeven Statement Honoring Memory of ND Senator Doug Larsen & Family
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement honoring the memory of North Dakota State Senator Doug Larsen, his wife, Amy, and their two children. “Mikey and I send our deepest condolences to the Larsen family following this tragedy. We honor their memory and dedication to their community, state and nation. For nearly 30 years, Doug served as a member of the National Guard, protecting our country both at home and abroad, and his family served right alongside him as he a… Continue Reading
Hoeven Statement on Government Funding
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven issued the following statement on an agreement to fund the government. “This short-term continuing resolution will keep government open. At the same time, we’re working to get back to regular order, where we pass appropriations bills through the committee and debate them on the floor. We need to get back to regular order so we can fund the priorities of the American people, while also finding savings to get control of our debt and deficit.” -###- … Continue Reading
Hoeven Statement on Passing of Senator Dianne Feinstein
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven issued the following statement on the passing of Senator Dianne Feinstein: “Senator Feinstein spent her life in public service, including representing the people of California in the United States Senate for more than thirty years. She was a dedicated legislator and a gracious colleague. While we were most often on the opposite sides of issues, I appreciated her support for programs that help us build water infrastructure in North Dakota. Mikey and I extend our … Continue Reading
Hoeven Secures Senate ENR Committee Approval of North Dakota Trust Lands Completion Act
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today announced that he has secured approval by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources (ENR) Committee of the North Dakota Trust Lands Completion Act, bicameral legislation he introduced with Senator Kevin Cramer and Congressman Kelly Armstrong at the State of North Dakota’s request to enable greater development of state-owned lands and minerals. Specifically, the bill would authorize the State of North Dakota to relinquish state-owned lands and minerals contain… Continue Reading
Hoeven: NPS Issues Draft Environmental Assessment for Managing Wild Horses at TRNP
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement after the National Park Service (NPS) issued a draft environmental assessment (EA) on options for managing the wild horse herd at Theodore Roosevelt National Park (TRNP). Hoeven has been urging NPS leadership to maintain the herd, having repeatedly raised this priority with officials including: NPS Director Charles Sams. This includes a February meeting Hoeven convened with Sams and state leaders to outline concerns with… Continue Reading
Hoeven, Cramer, Armstrong Announce Almost $12 Million for Improved Rail for New Soybean Crushing Plant, Regional Ag Products
BISMARCK, N.D. - Senators John Hoeven and Kevin Cramer and Congressman Kelly Armstrong today announced an almost $12 million federal grant to develop and construct safe and efficient freight rail service to help with expected growth from the new soybean crushing facility in Casselton. The federal funding will enable Red River Valley and Western Railroad Company (RRVW) to develop, design, and construct track improvements to help accommodate the expected growth in carloads of agriculture products… Continue Reading
Hoeven, Klobuchar Introduce PACE Act to Improve Access to Credit For Farmers And Ranchers
WASHINGTON - U.S. Senators John Hoeven (R-N.D.) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) today introduced the Producer and Agricultural Credit Enhancement (PACE) Act, legislation to improve farmers and ranchers’ access to credit by modernizing loan limitations for U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) loan programs. The senators are working to pass the legislation as part of the next farm bill. “Production costs for our farmers and ranchers continue to rise due to record inflation and increasing costs for f… Continue Reading
Hoeven to Biden Administration: Enforce the Law & Secure the Border – It’s a Matter of National Security
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven this week again joined his Senate Republican colleagues in calling on the Biden administration to enforce the law and secure the nation’s borders. This comes as part of Hoeven’s continued efforts to support U.S. Border Patrol and draw attention to the illegal immigration and humanitarian crisis taking place at the U.S.-Mexico border. To this end, Hoeven has met with North Dakota National Guard members in Del Rio and Eagle Pass, Texas in recent years to highlight… Continue Reading
Hoeven Joins Braun in Introducing Bill to Stop Biden from Imposing Gun Control through Public Health Emergency
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven this week joined Senator Mike Braun in introducing the Protecting the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Act, legislation to prevent the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services from declaring a public health emergency to impose gun control. Earlier this month, the Governor of New Mexico instituted a public health emergency for the purposes of suspending the Second Amendment-protected carrying of firearms. “The unconstitutional actions by the governor … Continue Reading
Hoeven, Colleagues Push Back on Unworkable EPA Mandates on Manufacturers, Energy Producers
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven this week joined his colleagues, led by Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee Ranking Member Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), in pushing back on proposed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations that would impose unworkable mandates and greater costs on manufacturers and energy producers, contributing to higher prices for American consumers. Specifically, the senators called on the EPA to rescind proposed changes to the particulate matter (PM2… Continue Reading
Hoeven Votes to Confirm General Charles Brown as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Defense Appropriations Committee, today issued the following statement after voting to confirm Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Prior to Brown’s confirmation, Hoeven worked with the general in his role as Air Force Chief of Staff to strengthen North Dakota’s missions, including: Advancing the modernization of the dual nuclear missions in Minot. Hoeven is working to keep the nuclear modernization pro… Continue Reading
Hoeven Honors Students, Educators in Taylor, Rugby & Jamestown for Designation as 2023 National Blue Ribbon Schools
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement congratulating Taylor-Richardton Elementary School, Rugby High School and William S. Gussner Elementary School in Jamestown on being designated by the U.S. Department of Education as 2023 National Blue Ribbon Schools. Since 1982, the Blue Ribbon School award has honored public and private schools across the country that display overall academic excellence or progress in closing achievement gaps. “Through the hard work of stud… Continue Reading
Hoeven Thanks 191st Military Police Company, Families for Service After 10-Month Deployment in Support of USCENTCOM Mission
FARGO, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today helped welcome home more than 150 members of the North Dakota National Guard’s (NDNG) 191st Military Police Company, following a 10-month deployment to the U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) area of responsibility. While deployed, the unit supported Operation Spartan Shield, helping establish customs practices and policies to prevent the flow of illegal drugs and contraband, among other priorities. Operation Spartan Shield serves to strengthen U.S. defense p… Continue Reading
Hoeven Honors Members of 1-188TH ADA Regiment at Send-Off Ceremony
GRAND FORKS, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today honored the members of the 1st Battalion, 188th Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Regiment as they prepare for a nearly 10-month deployment within the U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) area of responsibility, providing integrated air defense coverage and early warning support. This will be the 13th deployment for the regiment since 2004, following missions in Washington, D.C., Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan. With this new mission, the 1-188th ADA Regiment sta… Continue Reading
Hoeven: Demolition of Lashkowitz Tower Ushers in New Affordable Housing for Fargo Area
FARGO, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today kicked off the demolition of the Lashkowitz High Rise, following his efforts to advance nearly $24 million in federal funding for the affordable housing redevelopment project. The senator remarked that the high rise had served the community well, but that this historic day will usher in new, better affordable housing for the region’s low-income residents. The facility will be replaced by the Lashkowitz Riverfront, a 110-unit affordable apartment developme… Continue Reading