News Releases
Hoeven Urges Colleagues on Senate Floor to Come Together on Farm Bill Amendments
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven spoke on the Senate floor Thursday, urging lawmakers to work together in a bipartisan way to get consensus on the many amendments that have been submitted on the Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act, the new farm bill that he and members of the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee crafted. Along with Senators Kent Conrad and Max Baucus of Montana, Hoeven is also working with Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss and southern growers to add a counter-cyclical safety net … Continue Reading
Hoeven: State Department's Expanded Keystone Environmental Review Unjustified After Four Years of Exhaustive Study
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today said the U.S. State Department's decision to generate yet another Environmental Impact Statement for a long segment of the Keystone XL pipeline route is unwarranted and unjustified in light of an already exhaustive four-year review. The State Department today announced it is going to open up, yet again, review of the full northern route of the project from the Canadian border through Nebraska. Further, the agency plans to ask environmentalist and others to… Continue Reading
Hoeven Welcomes Home Members of the ND Air Guard's 119th Civil Engineering Squad
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today welcomed and thanked members of the North Dakota Air National Guard's 119th Civil Engineer Squadron from a six-month deployment in Southwest Asia. The unusually large group of airmen completed a broad range of construction, electrical, heating and other projects. Approximately 20 North Dakota Air National Guard members remain deployed overseas in Southwest Asia, Afghanistan, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. An additional 300 North Dakota Army National… Continue Reading
Hoeven: U.S. Chamber Names North Dakota a Top State for Job Creation and Economic Growth in the Coming Decade
WASHINGTON - At jobs summit today in Washington, D.C., the U.S. Chamber of Commerce unveiled a study projecting that North Dakota will lead the nation in job creation and economic growth over the next decade, Senator John Hoeven said. The findings were contained in the Chamber's Enterprising States 2012 report, an annual analysis of state economic and job performance. "Not everyone, or every state, accepts the notion of inevitable, slow growth and gradual decline. From the onset of the recessio… Continue Reading
Hoeven Pushes Corps to Move Forward Flood Protection Plan for Minot Region
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today met with Col. Michael Price, Commander of the Army Corps of Engineers St. Paul District, to push the agency to coordinate with state and local officials as rapidly as possible to finalize a comprehensive flood protection plan for the city of Minot and the surrounding region. The plan would consist of three elements: enhanced flood protection, including dikes and levees; adjustment of target flows from Canada; and increased storage capacity in Souris River r… Continue Reading
Hoeven Supports No-Cost Sugar Program in Farm Bill
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today supported the no-cost sugar program and worked to retain it as part of the Senate's farm bill. A member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, Hoeven worked to include the sugar program as part of the Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act, which is currently being debated on the Senate floor. "The sugar program provides American consumers with a dependable and affordable sugar supply while operating at no cost to U.S. taxpayers," said Hoeven. The U.S. sugar… Continue Reading
Hoeven Welcomes Senator John McCain to North Dakota
FARGO, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven welcomed Senator John McCain to North Dakota today, and provided the Arizona senator with a tour of the North Dakota Air National Guard base in Fargo. The senators reviewed the Air Guard's Predator and C-21 missions, as well as the transition to the C-27J mission. The senators also thanked the airmen for their exemplary service to the nation. Senator McCain is Ranking Member on the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee and a member of the Homeland Security and G… Continue Reading
Hoeven Urges Broad Support for Cost-Effective, Bipartisan Farm Bill
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today spoke on the Senate floor to urge support for the bipartisan, cost-effective farm bill developed by the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee, on which he serves. The Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act will provide $23 billion in deficit reduction, streamline farm programs and ensure that farmers and ranchers have a strong support through enhanced crop insurance. "Our farmers and ranchers today provide the highest quality, lowest cost food supply in the wor… Continue Reading
Delegation, Governor Announce HUD, FEMA Mobile Homes Now Available for Reservation Use
WASHINGTON - Senators John Hoeven and Kent Conrad, Congressman Rick Berg and Governor Jack Dalrymple today announced that the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) have agreed to the delegation's and governor's request to make 3-bedroom mobile homes available to Native American tribes in the Great Plains region. The delegation moved to secure the housing in a letter they sent in April to HUD Secretary Shaun Donavan and Interior Secretary Ken Sal… Continue Reading
Delegation Works to Keep Open Kazakhstan Trade Promotion Office
WASHINGTON - Senators John Hoeven and Kent Conrad and Congressman Rick Berg announced today that the U.S. Commercial Service office in Kazakhstan will remain open and continue helping North Dakota and U.S. companies grow their exports to Kazakhstan. The delegation has been working to keep open the office, which provides U.S. trade promotion assistance in one of North Dakota's largest foreign markets. "Our North Dakota companies have good opportunities to market and sell their products to the … Continue Reading
Hoeven: Thank You For Supporting Oak Park
MINOT, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today thanked all who helped restore power and make needed repairs to Minot's Oak Park. On Wednesday, Minot Park Board and Park District employees were joined by more than 50 employees from electric cooperatives from across the State of North Dakota who traveled to Minot to lend their expertise to complete a variety of needed repairs, including the rewiring of a maintenance building and six picnic shelters, that resulted from last summer's flooding of the Mouse … Continue Reading
Hoeven, Blunt Review Missouri River Mainstem System to Assess Flood Impacts, Recovery Work
GARRISON, N.D. - Senators John Hoeven (R-N.D.) and Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) today launched a two-day review of dikes, levees and other operations of the Missouri River Mainstem System from Montana to Missouri. The senators are assessing damages incurred from the historic 2011 Missouri River floods, reviewing the progress of repairs, and working to determine how the Army Corps of Engineers can better manage flood protection in the future. They are also working together to achieve a better understanding… Continue Reading
Hoeven Honors Families of North Dakota Fallen Service members at Annual TAPS Seminar
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today met with more than 20 North Dakota family members attending the 18th Annual TAPS National Military Survivor Seminar and Good Grief Camp for Survivors in Washington, D.C. The TAPS conference, which coincides with the annual Memorial Day observation, is a national event that unites military families from across the country to participate in events tailored to help survivors grieving the loss of a loved one who died while serving our country. "Meeting with th… Continue Reading
Hoeven: Remember Sacrifices, Service of Men and Women In Uniform on Memorial Day
BISMARCK, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement in observance of Memorial Day: "Today, we gratefully acknowledge the brave men and women in uniform who gave their last full measure of devotion to secure the blessings of liberty for us and future generations. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have fallen and their loved ones, as well as those who continue to serve with vigilance to ensure that our nation remains strong and free. On this special day, we pledge … Continue Reading
Hoeven: C-27J Approved In Senate Armed Service Commitee
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today announced that the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee has included language in the Fiscal Year 2013 Defense Authorization that will continue use of the C-27J cargo fleet by the U.S. Air Force as authorized in December in the Senate FY 2012 Defense Authorization bill. Hoeven said the provision is another step forward in securing the C-27J mission for the North Dakota Air National Guard in Fargo, and that he'll continue to work to get funding for the aircr… Continue Reading
Hoeven: Tony Clark Confirmed for FERC Appointment
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today announced that North Dakota Public Service Commissioner Tony Clark has been confirmed by unanimous consent in the U.S. Senate to serve on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Hoeven has been working to secure and gain approval for Clark's nomination. "I'm pleased the Senate has confirmed the nomination of Tony Clark to the FERC," Hoeven said. "As a result of his work in North Dakota and as a leader of a national energy regulatory organizati… Continue Reading
Hoeven Honors Fargo-, Bismarck-Based Business Leaders For Earning Prestigious Awards
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven this week congratulated Brian Hayer, President and CEO of the Fargo-based Warner and Company Insurance, his sister Denise Magness, and niece Jessica Magness for being named the 2012 National Jeffrey Butland Family Owned Business of the Year by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). Denise serves as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the company, and niece Jessica began working at Warner and Company Insurance in 2010, maki… Continue Reading
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Director Assures Hoeven on Funding for Hatcheries in Garrison and Valley City
WASHINGTON - At a meeting in Washington Tuesday, Senator John Hoeven told U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Director Dan Ashe that the national fish hatcheries at Garrison Dam and Valley City are cost-effective, valuable assets in helping to preserve world-class fisheries in North Dakota. He also made the case that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service needs to fund them in partnership with the North Dakota Department of Game and Fish. Ashe assured the senator that the agency plans to seek fun… Continue Reading
Hoeven Congratulates North Dakota Companies Receiving DOD Recognition for Supporting Deployed Employees
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today congratulated Basin Electric Power Cooperative and Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson for being named finalists for the 2012 Secretary of Defense Freedom Award, which recognizes employers who show exceptional support for their National Guard and Reserve member employees who are fulfilling their service obligations. "When members of the National Guard and Reserves are called to serve, so are their employers," said Hoeven. "It is important that employers offer assis… Continue Reading
Hoeven Calls on USFWS Director To Take Practical Approach to Mandan Lakewood Barrier
WASHINGTON -Senator John Hoeven met with U.S. Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) Director Dan Ashe ahead of a meeting tomorrow with the Lakewood Homeowners Association, the USFWS and the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. Hoeven called on Ashe to work with the Corps to issue a permit allowing the Lakewood Homeowners Association to remove part of a sandbar obstructing the Lakewood development inlet on the Missouri River. The sandbar was deposited after flood waters receded from last year's historic Missouri R… Continue Reading