News Releases
Hoeven Helps Dedicate New $33.5 Million NDSU Greenhouse Research Complex
FARGO, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today joined state, local and university leaders in dedicating the North Dakota Agriculture Experiment Station Research Greenhouse Complex, a $33.5 million state-of-the-art facility at North Dakota State University (NDSU) that provides enhanced education and advanced research in plant breeding, genetics, horticulture, entomology, plant pathology, plant nutrition and associated disciplines. As governor of North Dakota, Hoeven worked with the legislature between … Continue Reading
Hoeven Working to Attach Measure Lifting the Oil Export Ban to Highway Bill
WILLISTON, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven will address a large gathering of oil industry leaders this evening, telling them that lifting the 40-year-old ban on exporting crude oil would be good for consumers, good for the Bakken and good for the country. The senator is working to attach a measure that will lift the ban to the new highway bill set to pass Congress this month. Hoeven will make his remarks at the 2015 Williston Petroleum Banquet, sponsored by the Williston Basin Chapter of API. The se… Continue Reading
Hoeven: Senate Approves National Defense Authorization Act
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today announced that the U.S. Senate has passed the Fiscal Year 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which authorizes the nation's military programs. The House approved the measure last week. This version of NDAA authorizes a total of $607 billion to support national security. Last month, the President vetoed a previous version of NDAA that included an additional $5 billion for defense priorities. "This legislation authorizes important programs to ke… Continue Reading
Hoeven Announces Nearly $350K Grant to Support Research at the University of North Dakota
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven, who serves on the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee, announced today that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health, has awarded $346,771 to the University of North Dakota (UND). The funds will support research into mechanisms to prevent sepsis during pneumonia. "The research conducted by universities in North Dakota drives innovation, leads to economic growth and a higher quality of life," Hoeven sa… Continue Reading
Hoeven to Thank and Honor Veterans and Their Families on Veterans Day
FARGO, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven will speak tomorrow at the Veterans Day Ceremony at the Fargo Veterans Memorial Auditorium to pay tribute to our nation's veterans. Hoeven will provide the opening remarks for the event, during which he will encourage Americans to honor and recognize the sacrifices of veterans in tangible ways, especially by helping to meet their post-service needs. Hoeven is a member of the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee of the U.S. Senate Appropriation… Continue Reading
Hoeven: Senate Passes Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Committee, today announced that the U.S. Senate has approved the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2016. The legislation funds important military construction projects, including the North Dakota National Guard's Intelligence Targeting Facility in Fargo, and provides strong funding for the nation's veterans. "Our veterans have served wit… Continue Reading
Hoeven Announces Nearly $125K USDA Grants to Support Development of New Agricultural Products
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven, who serves on the U.S. Senate Agriculture and Appropriations Committees, announced today that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has awarded three grants totaling $124,182 to businesses in North Dakota to support the development of new agricultural products and markets for existing products. The funds are made available through USDA's Value-Added Producer Grant program. The details of the awards are as follows: ND Golden Growers Cooperative - A $75,000… Continue Reading
Hoeven Calls on FSA Administrator to Use State Yield Estimates for ARC Program
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven, who serves on the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee, today called on Farm Service Administrator Val Dolcini to use yield estimates submitted to them by the North Dakota state Farm Service Agency (FSA) office to determine county Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) payments in counties for which there was no National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) data. Under USDA's current method of calculating payments, there was no payment at all for corn farmers in LaMoure… Continue Reading
Hoeven Announces $3.6 Million in Federal Funding for Fort Totten School District
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven, who serves on the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee and the Impact Aid Coalition, today announced that the Department of Education (ED) has awarded $3,615,250 to Fort Totten School District through its Impact Aid Discretionary Construction Grant Program. The program authorizes competitive grants for emergency repairs and modernization of school facilities to certain eligible local educational agencies that receive Impact Aid. The grant will total $3,615,250 f… Continue Reading
Hoeven: General Atomics Training Academy Helps Us Build Grand Forks' Status as Premiere Hub of UAS Industry
GRAND FORKS, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today joined executives from General Atomics and state and local officials to break ground on the company's $2.5 million training facility for unmanned aerial systems (UAS) pilots at Grand Sky, Grand Forks County's new business and technology park. General Atomics is one of the world's leading developers of high-technology systems, including the Predator and Reaper series of UAS. Today's groundbreaking follows multiple meetings Hoeven held, in both Washin… Continue Reading
Hoeven Statement on President Obama's Denial of a Permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline Project
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement in response to President Obama's denial of a permit to build the Keystone XL pipeline project: "President Obama's denial of the Keystone XL pipeline project today following the company's request to suspend its application is not surprising, but it is disappointing. It ironic that after delaying construction for more than seven years - postponing the jobs, revenues and other benefits that would result from the project - the pr… Continue Reading
Hoeven: Senate Passes Resolution Recognizing National Native American Heritage Month
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven, who serves on the U.S. Senate Indian Affairs Committee, today announced that the Senate has unanimously passed S.Res.307, legislation designating November as National Native American Heritage Month. "Native Americans have a vibrant culture, rich traditions and hold a deeply rooted sense of community," Hoeven said. "American Indians have made significant contributions to our great nation, from the League of Iroquois inspiring our Founding Fathers with their repr… Continue Reading
Hoeven: Senate Effort to Bring Defense Appropriations Bill to Floor Blocked, Military Construction/VA Bill Advances
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement after the Defense Appropriations bill was blocked and failed to get the 60 votes necessary to bring it to the floor for debate and amendments. The legislation funds the U.S. Department of Defense for national security needs, military operations abroad, and other important resources for the men and women of the Armed Forces and their families. Following the Defense Appropriations vote, the Senate advanced to the floor the Mili… Continue Reading
Hoeven: Senate Passes Resolution Repealing EPA's Waters of the U.S. Rule
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today announced that the Senate has passed a Resolution of Disapproval under the Congressional Review Act to repeal the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Waters of the U.S. rule. The measure, led by Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and cosponsored by Hoeven and 48 others, passed by 53 to 44. The Congressional Review Act authorizes Congress by majority vote to repeal actions by a federal agency after a rule is formally published and submitted to Congress. "Today… Continue Reading
Hoeven Working to Ensure Domestic Honey Producers Receive Fair Compensation from Unfair Trade Practices
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven, who serves on the U.S. Senate Agriculture and Appropriations Committees, has outlined his efforts to help honey producers receive fair compensation for unfair trade practices in a meeting with representatives from the American Honey Producers Association, which works to promote the common interest and general welfare of U.S. honey producers. Hoeven is working to enact into law provisions that modify Customs and Border Protection's (CBP) payment system so that do… Continue Reading
Hoeven Pushes for Passage of Legislation to Repeal the Waters of the U.S. Rule
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today spoke on the Senate floor to push for passage of the Federal Water Quality Protection Act, legislation that would rescind the proposed Waters of the U.S. rule and require the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to start the process over with more input from stakeholders. The senator and a bipartisan group of farm-state colleagues introduced the legislation, which is being led by Senators John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) and Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.). The motion to brin… Continue Reading
Hoeven Recruits Business for Grand Sky at Google Unmanned Aerial Systems Airspace Seminar
WASHINGTON - At the Google Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Airspace Seminar, Senator John Hoeven pitched Grand Forks County's new business and technology park, Grand Sky, as an up and coming hub for unmanned aerial systems technology. With companies like Northrop Grumman and General Atomics breaking ground, and FlightSafety International looking closely at the park, Grand Forks is building a cluster of UAS businesses and training facilities that will create new synergies in the field, Hoeven told … Continue Reading
Hoeven Statement on TransCanada Suspending Its Application for a Presidential Permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement in response to the decision by TransCanada to suspend its application for a presidential permit for the Keystone XL pipeline project: "After waiting over seven years for a permit from the Administration, TransCanada today suspended its long-delayed application for a presidential permit to build the Keystone XL pipeline project. It is clear President Obama was going to deny the permit. The costly delay has prevented the comp… Continue Reading
Hoeven Working to Expand Cooperative Agreements Between National Energy Labs and N.D. Universities
WASHINGTON - During a Senate Appropriations Committee on Energy and Water hearing last week, Senator John Hoeven said he worked to include funding in the Energy and Water Appropriations bill to promote more cooperative agreements between the Department of Energy and the nation's research universities. The senator highlighted the agreements as models for developing and deploying new energy technologies. He cited specifically, two examples from North Dakota that are working to bring new technology… Continue Reading
Hoeven Statement on the Agreement to Raise the Debt Ceiling and Spending Caps through 2017
WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement in response to his vote against suspending the debt ceiling until March 2017 and lifting the Budget Control Act (BCA) caps on discretionary spending for two years: "Today, I voted against the budget agreement announced this week because it does not include the savings and reforms we need to address the deficit and debt. This agreement suspends the debt ceiling and will allow our debt to exceed $19 trillion by 2017. We need to… Continue Reading