News Releases


Hoeven Hosts Roundtable to Discuss Farm Bill Priorities Ahead of Conference Committee

FARGO, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today hosted a farm bill roundtable at North Dakota State University's Agriculture Experiment Station Research Greenhouse Complex to gather input from agriculture association leaders and discuss the priorities the senator will work on as a member of the joint Senate-House conference committee. The new legislation in both the Senate and the House versions focuses on enhanced crop insurance. The measure includes a new Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO), continues… Continue Reading


Hoeven Leads Open Forum with Bismarck-Mandan Chamber, Local Leaders

BISMARCK, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today led an open forum in Bismarck with business leaders and state and local officials to provide an update on his work in Washington and to invite discussion from local community leaders on their ideas and priorities. Hoeven focused his update on his efforts to pass a five-year farm bill and two pieces of energy legislation he recently introduced, as well as housing and infrastructure legislation that is benefiting North Dakota. The event was hosted by the … Continue Reading


Hoeven Hosts Roundtable to Discuss Farm Bill Priorities Ahead of Conference Committee

BISMARCK, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today hosted a farm bill roundtable at Bismarck State College to gather input from agriculture association leaders and discuss the priorities the senator will work on as a member of the joint Senate-House conference committee. The new legislation in both the Senate and the House versions focuses on enhanced crop insurance. The measure includes a new Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO), continues the sugar program and provides new Agriculture Risk Coverage (AR… Continue Reading


Hoeven: Partnering Traditional and Renewable Energy in Innovative Ways an Important Part of America's Energy Future

SPIRITWOOD, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today marked the groundbreaking for Great River Energy's (GRE) Dakota Spirit AgEnergy biofuels facility in the Spiritwood Energy Park near Jamestown. Within three years, the energy park will be home to a coal-fired power plant, an ethanol biorefinery and fertilizer plant. Partnerships between traditional and renewable energy producers like these are a model of integrated ag-energy development and an important part of America's energy future, the senator sai… Continue Reading


Hoeven Statement on IHS CERA Keystone XL Pipeline Study

WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement in response to a new study from IHS CERA, Inc. that found the Keystone XL pipeline would have "no material impact" on U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. IHS is an international information, research and consulting firm based out of Colorado. "Now we have yet another study confirming what expert, including the administration's own State Department, have been saying for years: the Keystone XL pipeline project will have no significa… Continue Reading


Hoeven Helps Break Ground on Phase II of Washington Townhomes Project

MINOT, ND - Senator John Hoeven, along with state and local community leaders, today participated in an open house and groundbreaking for the Washington Townhomes housing project in Minot. The leaders marked the completion of the first 32 affordable residential rental units and broke ground on the second phase of project, which consists of an additional 32 units. Phase II of the project is expected to be completed by summer 2014. Washington Townhomes will be a two?story, townhome?style design, e… Continue Reading


Hoeven Helps Dedicate New United Pulse Facility in Minot

MINOT, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today joined United Pulse Trading in dedicating the new $30 million pulse processing facility in Minot. As governor, Hoeven worked with North Dakota's Department of Commerce, local officials and executives from United Pulse Trading's parent company to bring the company to North Dakota, one of the primary pulse producing states in the nation. This collaboration was part of Hoeven's efforts to expand agribusiness throughout the state as part of North Dakota's stra… Continue Reading


Hoeven Addresses Annual Minot Area Development Corporation Meeting

MINOT, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today spoke at the Minot Area Development Corporation (MADC) Annual Meeting, citing the importance of agriculture, energy and the city's successful work to recover from the historic 2011 flood. The senator gave the group an overview of his work on the Senate Agriculture and Energy committees. "Minot has grown tremendously during the past decade, not only rebounding from the most severe flood in its history two years ago, but also with an unprecedented burst of … Continue Reading


Hoeven Honors Three Minot Veterans with Military Awards

MINOT, N.D. - At a ceremony in Minot today, Senator John Hoeven presented three local veterans with military awards to honor their service in the U.S. Army. Hoeven presented Vietnam veteran Spc. Douglas Benjamin with replacements of the medals he lost during the 2011 flooding of the Souris River. The senator also awarded medals to veterans Sgt. Franklin Eklund Jr. who served during Vietnam and Sgt. Lyder Nord who served during the Korean War. Senator Hoeven's office has been working with all thr… Continue Reading


Hoeven Reviews Construction of New Dakota Prairie Diesel Refinery Site

DICKINSON, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today joined officials from MDU Resources Group, Inc. and Calumet Specialty Products Partners to review construction of the new Dakota Prairie Diesel Refinery in southwestern North Dakota. Hoeven cited the $300 million facility as the kind of infrastructure investments needed to grow domestic energy production, create good jobs and is a key component in a comprehensive national energy policy to make our nation energy secure. "The Dakota Prairie Diesel Refin… Continue Reading


Hoeven Calls For Angel in Adoption Nominees

BISMARCK, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today announced that he is accepting nominations of North Dakota residents and organizations who have distinguished themselves through their work on behalf of adopted children, foster children and their families. As in past years, Hoeven will select one individual, couple or organization to represent North Dakota at this year's national Angels in Adoption program slated to take place in Washington, D.C. in October. Nominations should be submitted by contactin… Continue Reading


Hoeven Holds Dickinson Business Roundtable

DICKINSON, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today held a business roundtable in Dickinson to provide an update to local leaders and residents on his work in Washington on the farm bill and energy legislation, and to invite discussion from local leaders on housing and infrastructure. Representatives from a wide-range of groups were in attendance, including the transportation, health care, education, energy and telecommunications sectors, as well as local officials and residents. Hoeven focused his upd… Continue Reading


Senator Hoeven's Public Events for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

BISMARCK, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven will hold public events in Dickinson on Wednesday, Aug. 7, Minot on Thursday, Aug. 8, and Jamestown on Friday, Aug. 9. The schedule is as follows. Wednesday, August 7 Wednesday morning, Hoeven, along with Sen. Heidi Heitkamp and U.S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, will provide a brief wrap-up of their tour of western North Dakota and Theodore Roosevelt National Park and be available to media for questions. 9:30 a.m. MT Media Availability Outside of Dako… Continue Reading


Hoeven, Heitkamp Welcome Interior Secretary Jewell to ND, Showcase State's Robust Energy Development, Good Environmental Stewardship

WILLISTON, N.D. - Senators John Hoeven and Heidi Heitkamp today welcomed U.S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell to North Dakota's oil patch and accompanied her on a tour of oil production facilities. The purpose of the visit is to showcase how North Dakota is aggressively developing its energy resources and to help the secretary better understand North Dakota's comprehensive, states-first approach to energy development. As head of the Interior Department, Secretary Jewell plays a key role in ener… Continue Reading


Hoeven Addresses North Dakota Educators at Annual Career and Technical Education Conference

BISMARCK, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today said our states and nation need to maintain their commitment to providing a high quality education to all students to ensure that future generations have the knowledge and skills needed to compete in an increasingly global, high-tech economy. The senator spoke this afternoon at the Forty-Third Annual Career and Technical Education Professional Development Conference. "Today and in the future, our state and nation need a talented, innovative workforce t… Continue Reading


Hoeven Amendment Blocks Study to Eliminate Nuclear Missile Silos

WASHINGTON - The Senate Appropriations Committee has approved an amendment offered by Senator John Hoeven to the Department of Defense appropriations bill that blocks the administration from eliminating operational U.S. nuclear missile silos. The amendment bars the Defense Department from conducting environmental studies to reduce the number of active silos containing Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). The U.S. currently fields 450 Minuteman III ICBMs. The administr… Continue Reading


Hoeven, Heitkamp to Host Interior Secretary Sally Jewell for North Dakota Energy Tour

BISMARCK, N.D. - On Tuesday, Aug. 6 and Wednesday, Aug. 7, Senators John Hoeven and Heidi Heitkamp will host U.S. Department of Interior Secretary Sally Jewell for a tour of western North Dakota and Theodore Roosevelt National Park. They will meet with energy sector leaders and review oil and gas development in the region to better understand North Dakota's comprehensive approach to energy development over the past 10 years. "The comprehensive, states first approach to energy development we've … Continue Reading


Hoeven Named a Farm Bill Conferee

WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven today announced that he has been named to the conference committee appointed to negotiate an agreement on a 2013 farm bill. Hoeven, a member of the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee, has worked in the past two sessions to pass a long-term farm bill. The Senate has now appointed its conferees and is awaiting the House to do the same. Hoeven said the Congress needs to act to get a long-term farm bill in place this fall. "Our farmers and ranchers do a tremendous jo… Continue Reading


Hoeven Introduces Updated Empower States Act to Boost Domestic Oil and Gas Production, Grow U.S. Economy, Create Jobs

WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven Thursday announced that he has filed an updated version of the Empower States Act, a measure he authored that will put states first in the regulation of hydraulic fracturing. The senator said every state's geology is different and nobody knows better than local professionals and authorities how best to protect their own environment. The measure is being cosponsored by Senators Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), Rob Portman (R-Ohio), Mary Landrieu (D-La.) and David Vitter (… Continue Reading


Sens. Hoeven, Heitkamp Host Interior Secretary Sally Jewell For North Dakota Energy Tour

BISMARCK, N.D. - On Tuesday, Aug. 6 and Wednesday, Aug. 7, Senators John Hoeven and Heidi Heitkamp will host U.S. Department of Interior Secretary Sally Jewell for a tour of western North Dakota and Theodore Roosevelt National Park. They will meet with energy sector leaders and review oil and gas development in the region to better understand North Dakota's comprehensive approach to energy development over the past 10 years. Tuesday, August 6 Tuesday afternoon, Hoeven, Heitkamp a… Continue Reading

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