
Delegation Calls on Postmaster General to Reconsider Proposed AMP Closures

WASHINGTON – Senators John Hoeven and Kent Conrad and Congressman Rick Berg today said they’ve called on Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe to reconsider the proposed closure of the Area Mail Processing (AMP) facilities in Grand Forks, Minot, and Devils Lake.  Timely, reliable postal service is important to the people of North Dakota, and for the USPS's future competitiveness.

In a letter to Donahoe delivered today, they wrote: “While we understand that identifying cost savings and network optimization are crucial to ensuring the long-term sustainability of the Postal Service, we encourage you to take into consideration North Dakota’s strong economic indicators and likely growth when reviewing these facilities.

“North Dakota is currently experiencing unprecedented development, which is increasing demands on local services and infrastructure.  The Minot region is experiencing an influx of businesses and rapid population growth from expansions in the energy industry.  In eastern North Dakota, economic growth in both Grand Forks and Devils Lake has helped increase taxable sales and purchases over 11% in their respective counties. The Postal Service's strategy with regard to the AMP facilities should be based on expected future conditions for each specific region.

“Residents and industries depend on the efficient services that the Postal Service offers.  Closing the AMP facilities would increase the time it takes to deliver mail in North Dakota.  We understand the need to cut cost but believe these processing centers need to be retained for the USPS to maintain a competitive level of service.”

The delegation has been working with local, regional and federal authorities to ensure reliable service to the cities.