May 2015 |
Hoeven Celebrates First North Dakota-Made Unmanned Aerial System with ComDel, Altavian
Hoeven to Pay Tribute at Memorial Day Events in Bismarck, Mandan
Hoeven Announces More than $6 Million DHS Grant to Build Flood Protection for Minot Water Treatment Plant
Hoeven Announces $7.3 Million Appropriation for Facility to Support Air National Guard's New Intel Mission
Hoeven: North Dakota Receives More than $2 Million in Federal Funding for Hospital Preparedness, Fargo Health Center Cluster
Hoeven Announces $61,000 Economic Development Grant for Red River Region
Hoeven: Energy and Water Funding Bill Supports Flood Projects in Fargo, Minot, LaMoure
Hoeven, Heitkamp Introduce Senate Resolution Declaring May 19 "National Schizencephaly Awareness Day"
Hoeven, Delegation, Task Force 21 Press Pentagon to Continue Support for Nuclear Force Improvement Program
Hoeven: Bureau of Indian Education Must Implement Better Financial Oversight, Make Every Dollar Work for Our Native American Students
Hoeven Honors Vietnam Veterans at Fargo Air Museum Vietnam Memorial Opening Ceremony
Hoeven Statement on National Peace Officers Memorial Day
Hoeven Works to Remove Duplication, Ensure States-First Approach for Regulating Hydraulic Fracturing
Hoeven, Cramer Pledge Ongoing Support for FAA Center of Excellence for Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Hoeven Announces Nearly $350K in Colon Cancer Research Funds for NDSU
Capito, Hoeven Introduce Measure to Ensure Reliable Affordable Energy from Coal Power
Murkowski, Hoeven Offer Legislation to Allow Crude Oil Exports
Hoeven, Booker Introduce Legislation to Support Commercial UAS Innovation
Hoeven: Forest Chief Agrees to Make Changes in the Management Plan for the Prairie Grasslands
Hoeven: UND, EERC Enter Into $2.5 Million Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Department of Energy