January 2015 |
Hoeven: Energy and Natural Resource Committee Passes Hoeven-Manchin Bill to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline
Hoeven Cosponsors Bipartisan Bill to Set Clear Timeline for LNG Export Applications
New Majority Calls for Swift Approval of Keystone XL Pipeline
Hoeven, Manchin Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline in New Congress
Hoeven Statement on the President's Threat to Veto His Keystone XL Approval Bill
December 2014 |
Hoeven: Congress Takes First Step to Eliminate Proposed Waters of the U.S. Regulation
Hoeven Statement on President Obama's Remarks Today on the Keystone XL Pipeline
Hoeven: Congress Supports Global Hawk, Invests in UAS Research
Hoeven: Senate Passes Tax Increase Prevention Act
Hoeven Worked to Include $4 Million in Water Bank Funding for Farmers and Ranchers in Omnibus Approps Bill
Hoeven Statement in Response to the President's Announcement of a Change in Cuba Policy, the Release of Alan Gross
Hoeven Announces Nearly $1.2 Million Grant for Flood Mitigation, Home Buyouts in Cass County
Hoeven Pushes on Senate Floor to Pass Tax Increase Prevention Act, Including Extension of Section 179
Hoeven Statement on Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's Plan to Make Keystone XL First Order of Business in New Congress
Hoeven Announces $310,000 in Economic Development Grants for North Dakota
Hoeven Statement on NDSU Bison's Win in Today's Quarterfinal Game
Hoeven: Congress Passes Omnibus Appropriations Legislation for 2015
Hoeven: Congress Passes Defense Authorization Legislation
Hoeven: Congress Passes Legislation to Improve Permitting Process for Energy Development, Grazing on Federal Lands
Hoeven Welcomes Home 2-285th Aviation Regiment at Freedom Salute