December 2016 |
Hoeven Announces Nearly $200,000 in Awards for Rural North Dakota Communities to Attract Investment, Create Jobs
FAA Notifies Hoeven that Authorization for Beyond-Line-of-Sight Operability is Approved
Hoeven Announces More than $1.9 Million in HUD Funding for North Dakota
Hoeven Brings USAF Chief of Staff to N.D. to See One-of-a-Kind Capabilities of Grand Forks Air Force Base, Grand Sky Tech Park
Hoeven-Manchin States-First Coal Ash Recycling Legislation Passes as Part of New Water Bill
Hoeven: Administration's Stream Buffer Rule Doesn't Work for North Dakota
Hoeven Statement on Meeting Today with Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairman David Archambault
Hoeven Statement on Extension of Sanctions on Iran
Hoeven: WTO Compliance Case Against China to Level Playing Field for N.D. Wheat, Corn Producers
Hoeven Working to support Comprehensive Efforts to Prevent & Treat Opioid Addiction
Hoeven Statement on the Obama Administration's Refusal to Send Additional Law Enforcement Help for DAPL Protests
Hoeven: NDAA Strengthens Minot Air Force Base Missions
Hoeven Highlights End-of-Year Legislative Accomplishments in Meeting with Golden Kiwanis Club
Senate Coalition Highlights Value of America's Nuclear Missiles
Hoeven Hosts Roundtable to Outline Legislation Enabling Lake Tschida Homeowners to Remain on Lots, Limiting Fees for Reservoirs Permits
Hoeven Statement on the Death of Judge Myron Bright
Hoeven Honors North Dakota National Guard Battalion, Families at Send-Off
Hoeven Legislation in New WRDA Bill Enables Lake Tschida Homes to Remain on Their Lots, Limits Fees for Reservoirs Permits
Hoeven: Congress Passes Legislation to Fund Government, Ensure FSA Loan Funding for Producers, Clarify Hours-of-Service Rule for Truckers
Hoeven Statement on Corps' Transfer of Public Land to Interior Department in Trust for Tribe