April 2017 |
Hoeven: Secretary Perdue Will Be Good Advocate for Agriculture, Rural America
Hoeven: Northrop Grumman Facility Will House Pilot Training and UAS Research and Development
Hoeven Joins Killdeer Mountain Manufacturing at Celebration of 30th Anniversary and Expansion of Its Dickinson Facility
Hoeven: North Dakota Receives $2 Million in Cures Act Funding to Combat Opioid Addiction
Hoeven Outlines Work to Support North Dakota's Coal Industry
Hoeven-Cosponsored Legislation to Extend Veterans Choice Program Signed Into Law
Hoeven Honors UND Center for Innovation Director Bruce Gjovig
Hoeven Outlines Work to Provide Regulatory Relief, Build Pro-Business Climate at Bismarck-Mandan Chamber of Commerce Roundtable
Hoeven Announces Nearly $1.1 Million Grant to Southeastern North Dakota Community Action Agency to Support Early Childhood Education and Wellness
Hoeven Marks 20th Anniversary of 1997 Red River Flood, Helps Break Ground on Permanent Flood Protection for the Region
Hoeven Announces More than $1.1 Million CDC Grant to Help Improve the Health of North Dakotans
Hoeven Announces Nearly $265,000 FEMA Grant for North Dakota Firefighter's Association
Hoeven Announces More Than $1 Million to Repair Roads and Transportation Infrastructure in North Dakota
Hoeven: Bipartisan Majority of Senate Votes to Confirm Gorsuch to Supreme Court
Hoeven Statement on U.S. Missile Strikes in Syria
Hoeven: Gorsuch Supported by Bipartisan Majority of Senate
Hoeven Joins Bipartisan Group in Urging President to Remove Barriers for U.S. Beef Exports to China
Hoeven Invites DHS Secretary Kelly to North Dakota to See UAS Work at Test Site & Grand Sky, Review Role of UAS in Border Security
Hoeven to DOT Secretary: Move America Act Will Help States Fund Infrastructure Projects
Hoeven Successfully Works to Halt Increase in Grassland Grazing Fees