January 2018 |
Hoeven Meets with President to Outline Importance of Trade to Agriculture and Energy Industries
Hoeven Presses DHS, CBP to Make North Dakota UAS Hub for Northern Border Security
Hoeven Highlights Tax Relief with Local Small Business Owner, Veteran, Part-Time Worker & Ag Producer
December 2017 |
Hoeven Holds Tax Reform Discussion at American Crystal Sugar to Outline Relief for North Dakota Families, Small Businesses, Farmers and Ranchers
Hoeven Statement on Agreement to Fund the Government
Hoeven Statement on Today's United Nations Vote on Jerusalem
Hoeven: Army Corps Completes Section 408 Review & EIS for Minot, Advances Construction of Flood Protection in the Region
Hoeven: HHS Award Nearly $1.3 Million Head Start Grant to Cankdeska Cikana Community College
Hoeven: Senate Passes Tax Reform Lowering Rates Across the Board for Individuals and Families, Providing Relief for Small Businesses, Farmers and Ranchers
Hoeven Announces $350,000 in Economic Development Grants for North Dakota
Hoeven: UND Students Selected to Train as Federal Airborne Law Enforcement Officers
Hoeven: Fargo Wins Georgetown University Energy Award, Will Help Establish $5 Million Energy Efficiency Project
Hoeven Announces Nearly $1 Million Grant for STEM Undergraduate Scholarships at UND
Hoeven-Thune Amendment Fixes Tax Provision for Cooperatives
Hoeven: Final Bill Provides Tax Relief for North Dakotans, Small Businesses, Farmers and Ranchers
Hoeven Working to Streamline Federal Permits for Energy Development
Hoeven Announces Nearly $216,000 in HUD Grants to Support Family Self-Sufficiency in the Red River Valley
Hoeven: President Signs Defense Authorization into Law
Hoeven: USGS to Work With State, Industry on Comprehensive Study of Williston Basin
Hoeven: Senate and House Move to Conference on Tax Relief Legislation