
Hoeven to Corps Omaha Commander: Manage Missouri River to Prevent Upstream Flooding

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven this week met with Colonel John Hudson, Commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Omaha District, and again outlined the importance of managing the Missouri River to prevent upstream flooding. Hoeven urged the Corps to make sure that there is enough storage space in the Upper Missouri River dams to accommodate any late spring rains. This continues the senator’s efforts to ensure that the Corps is working to prevent flooding in North Dakota. 

“I met with Colonel Hudson to ensure that the Corps is managing the Missouri River to prevent upstream flooding,” said Hoeven. “We understand the Corps is already dealing with the flooding downstream, but they need to manage the Missouri River to prevent upstream flooding. That includes carefully clearing out storage upstream and ensuring that there is storage space for any late spring rains. The Corps need to take steps now to make sure that we don’t have flooding in the upper states.”

As a member of the Senate Energy and Water Appropriations Committee, Hoeven worked to include a measure in the Fiscal Year 2019 Energy and Water funding bill that pressed the Corps to implement a soil moisture and snowpack monitoring program to help mitigate flooding along the Missouri River.  
