
Hoeven Statements on President Trump's Executive Orders Advancing the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines

WASHINGTON -- Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement in response to two of President Donald Trump’s executive orders. The president has invited TransCanada, the company building the Keystone XL Pipeline, to reapply for a presidential permit. He also directed the relevant federal agencies to provide an expedited review of the project.

He also directed the relevant federal agencies to expedite review of the Dakota Access Pipeline project.

On the Keystone XL Pipeline

“In the last Congress, I introduced Senate Bill 1, the first legislation introduced in the 2015 session. The measure approved approve the Keystone XL Pipeline on constitutional grounds and was passed with bipartisan support in both the Senate and the Houses. It was then vetoed by President Obama after he delayed the project on various grounds for more than seven years. The Keystone XL Pipeline project has already been thoroughly reviewed and has earned the support of a majority of the American people. They understand that to keep our nation strong and make our economy vibrant again, we need access to affordable oil and gas domestically produced by the U.S. and our closest friend and ally Canada.

“President Trump’s action today getting the Keystone XL Pipeline back on track signals that our nation will begin to build the kind of energy infrastructure we need, now and into the future. This project is not only about energy, but also about jobs, economic growth and making America stronger and safer by reducing our dependence on Middle Eastern oil.”

On the Dakota Access Pipeline

He also issued a second executive order regarding the Dakota Access Pipeline project. The president directed the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and other relevant agencies to expedite the approval process for the pipeline.

“We made a strong case with the new administration for approving an easement for the Dakota Access Pipeline project without delay. The company has complied with all federal and state requirements and should be allowed to complete the project. Today, the Trump administration followed the law and reversed the Obama administration’s decision to delay the project.

“Today’s decision takes us one step closer to a time when life can return to normal for the people who live and work in the pipeline area. To further that end, we have also asked for additional federal law enforcement resources and personnel to maintain peace and protect people and property.

“Pipelines like the Dakota Access Pipeline can be built safely and protect both the tribe and everyone living downstream. Going forward, we can work together to improve the permitting process. At this point, we look forward to working with the new administration to help create jobs, grow our economy and produce new opportunities for the American people.”
