
Hoeven Statement on The Dakota Access Pipeline Draft EIS

BISMARCK – Senator John Hoeven issued the following statement after the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL).

“The Dakota Access Pipeline is vital energy infrastructure for our nation that has been safely operating for six years,” said Hoeven. “This pipeline transports nearly half of the light, sweet crude oil produced by our state and the Three Affiliated Tribes to consumers throughout the Midwest. With Americans being hit hard by high energy costs, we need this pipeline to get energy to market safely and cost-effectively. We will continue working to get the Army Corps to complete this process and provide certainty to keep this important pipeline operating.”

Hoeven worked to ensure DAPL’s continued operation while the Corps completes the court-ordered review, and has repeatedly outlined the pipeline’s importance not only to the state of North Dakota and the Three Affiliated Tribes, but to U.S. energy security, as well as the pipeline’s long history of safe operations.
