
Hoeven Statement on President Biden's Virtual Climate Summit

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, issued the following statement on the commitments made by President Biden during a virtual summit with world leaders today.

“There are real, bipartisan priorities that we are pursuing to create good-paying jobs and ensure our nation remains energy independent while improving environmental stewardship. However, we won’t get there through unworkable mandates, tax increases and burdensome federal regulations that impose greater costs on energy producers and consumers. Further, it does not make sense for Americans alone to bear this burden, when we cannot expect the same from countries like China, Russia and India. We should instead continue to invest in new innovative technologies like carbon capture, utilization and storage, which will enable us to continue relying on all of our abundant energy resources while also reducing emissions, both in the U.S. and abroad as other nations adopt the technology we have pioneered.”
