
Hoeven Statement on Democrat Keystone Amendment to the Highway Bill

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven issued the following statement today in response to the Democrats’ Keystone XL pipeline amendment, which has been offered as an amendment to the Highway bill and will likely be voted on in the coming days: 

“The Democrats’ amendment actually adds further impediments to the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline project. Not only does it require TransCanada to start over in the application process after more than three and half years—just as the President’s denial did—but it also adds more restrictions which aren’t workable. This makes it worse. 

“Under the proposal, no crude oil or refined products from the pipeline can be exported, which will push fuel prices in the United States higher. Some refined products can’t be used in our country. Therefore, if these products can’t be exported, that revenue will be lost, and will force refiners to sell gas at a higher price. 

“Also, the amendment requires that all steel and other materials for the pipeline must be produced in the U.S. In fact, 75 percent of the steel and 90 percent of the other materials will be purchased in North America. It is not possible to meet the 100 percent requirement because some materials have already been purchased by the company.  

“Again, the Democrats’ amendment further prevents construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. Congress should pass the straightforward Keystone XL pipeline amendment that I proposed with Sens. Lugar and Vitter. Our amendment provides all necessary safeguards, including whatever time is necessary to address the Nebraska route. It allows construction to go forward on the Keystone XL pipeline to help lower rising gas prices, which are hurting American consumers and our economy, and to reduce our nation’s dependence on oil from the Middle East.”