
Hoeven Statement on Congress Passing Aid for Israel's Missile Defense System, Iron Dome

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement regarding passage today of a $225 million Emergency Supplemental funding bill that will help Israel defend itself against incoming missiles fired from Gaza:

“Israel is once again under attack by Hamas, an extremist Palestinian element that refuses to recognize Israel’s right to exist. Hamas is deliberately firing thousands of missiles into populated areas of Israel, seeking to do maximum injury to civilians and property. Thankfully, however, the Iron Dome system developed jointly by the United States and Israel is saving lives and strengthening Israel's strategic position in the region..

“Today, Congress passed a measure enabling the U.S. Department of Defense to replenish Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system. As America’s closest ally in the Middle East and the region’s only stable democracy, the United States must make sure we help Israel defend itself from hostile efforts to destroy its nation.”