
Hoeven: President's Action Gives Congress an Opportunity to Block Iran's Path to Nuclear Weapons, Restrict Its Ballistic Missile Program & Sponsorship of Terrorism

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement after the president decertified the nuclear deal with Iran, citing that it is not in the national security interests of the U.S. The certification process was established by Congress through the passage of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015.

“The bottom line is this – the current deal keeps Iran on course to obtaining a nuclear weapon,” said Hoeven. “The deal is missing vital components, like inspections on military sites and restrictions on ballistic missile testing and development. It allows Iran to receive sanctions relief even while they develop a ballistic missile that can deliver a nuclear warhead, which is why I opposed its approval by President Obama. Decertification does not terminate the agreement, but instead gives Congress the opportunity to strengthen our approach to Iran and block its nuclear program. Our allies in the region and Europe should work with the United States to address Iran’s ballistic missile development and gain inspections of Iran’s military facilities. At the same time, we must hold Iran accountable for its continued sponsorship of terrorism and efforts to destabilize the Middle East.”
