
Hoeven Meets with VP-Elect Pence, A.G. Nominee Sessions, Northwest Division Commander Spellmon on DAPL

Senator Asks for Their Help to Resolve Issue

WASHINGTON -- Senator John Hoeven today spoke at the U.S. Capitol with Vice President-Elect Mike Pence and Attorney General Nominee Senator Jeff Sessions to brief them on the Dakota Access Pipeline project and request their help. The senator also asked them to support sending additional resources and personnel to North Dakota to assist law enforcement with maintaining public safety.

“This situation needs to be resolved,” Hoeven said. “By its inaction, the Obama administration has prolonged problem, making life more difficult for everyone involved. That’s why I am speaking with the new administration to protect people and property and bring the protests to a peaceful end.”

Also, earlier in the day, Hoeven met again with the Northwest Division Commander of the Army Corps of Engineers Major General Scott Spellmon to press for a resolution to the Dakota Access Pipeline issue. The senator asked the general to work with him to secure more federal law enforcement resources and funding to address unlawful protesters.

Following meetings Hoeven had with the Trump transition team, President-Elect Trump last week expressed his support for the project as well as for providing federal assistance to North Dakota, including additional resources and law enforcement personnel.
