Page Program

As a U.S. Senator, I have the privilege to sponsor North Dakota students to serve in the United States Senate as official pages. This opportunity allows students who are juniors in high school to experience the day-to-day legislative process and to assist Senators and staff in their official capacities. 

There are only 30 slots per quarter, which makes the program very competitive. Each year is divided into four quarters: two academic year sessions and two shorter summer sessions. Eligibility is limited to students who will be juniors in high school and who are 16 or 17 years-old on or before the date of appointment. For the summer sessions, students must have completed their sophomore year and be 16 or 17 years-old on or before the date of appointment. 

Senate pages are paid a stipend and live in a supervised residence hall which includes a meal plan. They are also given a uniform, but must pay for transportation to Washington, DC.

During the academic year, Pages attend classes. Their curriculum is focused on college preparation and the unique learning opportunities available in our nation’s capital. Early morning classes are held before the Senate convenes.

Page duties consist primarily of delivering correspondence and legislative materials within the congressional complex. They also prepare the Senate Chamber for sessions, carry bills and amendments to the desk and assist in the cloakrooms and chambers.

Applicants will need to submit a completed application, a current resume and an academic letter of reference. You can email these documents to our page program coordinator listed on the application. If you choose to mail these documents to our DC office, please keep in mind that there is a three-week delay in delivery. Our address is:


Attn: Senate Page Coordinator

Office of Senator John Hoeven

338 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510


You can read more about the Senate Page Program here. If you have any questions, please give us a call at our Washington, DC office at (202) 224-2551.