
Senators Hoeven, Manchin Introduce Legislation to Implement All-of-the-Above Approach for Energy Efficiency in Federal Buildings

WASHINGTON – Senators John Hoeven (R-ND) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) today introduced The All-Of-The-Above Federal Building Energy Conservation Act of 2013, legislation that would improve the energy efficiency of federal buildings.

“Our legislation takes a common-sense, all-of-the-above approach to the issue of federal energy efficiency,” Hoeven said. “Instead of prohibiting the use of fossil fuels in new federal buildings, we should rely on all of our available energy resources. By encouraging the use of innovative technologies and practices, instituting reasonable goals and allowing building managers flexibility, we can achieve better environmental stewardship in a cost-effective manner.”

“I am proud to work with my good friend John Hoeven on this important, bipartisan legislation,” Senator Manchin said. “As governors, we both relied on common sense to guide our state policies, and this bill applies that much needed common sense to federal policies. We should be using all of our abundant resources--including coal--to power our nation in the most efficient way possible. Our bill accomplishes this goal and proves the federal government can lead the way in using fossil fuels to achieve greater energy efficiency.”

First, the bill repeals Section 433 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, which mandated that federal buildings reduce reliance on fossil fuels, with 100 percent reduction by 2030. The Department of Energy has yet to implement a final rule on this section, which prompted concerns that the section is unworkable, in addition to concerns that the rule stifles innovation, discourages energy efficiency renovations and unnecessarily raises costs for the federal government.

In place of Section 433, this legislation would extend current energy efficiency targets from a 30 percent reduction by 2015 to a 45 percent reduction by 2020. The legislation also ensures that alterations and additions to federal buildings meet minimum energy efficiency requirements, encourages the use of energy management systems and provides for those systems’ proper operation.

Hoeven and Manchin’s bill was introduced as a stand-alone piece of legislation but is intended as an amendment to the energy efficiency legislation being offered by Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Rob Portman (R-OH), which the Senate is expected to consider in the coming weeks. Supporters of the Hoeven-Manchin legislation include the Alliance to Save Energy, the American Gas Association, the American Public Gas Association, the American Public Power Association, the Edison Electric Institute, the Federal Performance Contracting Coalition, the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, and the National Association of Energy Service Companies. Senators Hoeven and Manchin serve on the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.