
ND Congressional Delegation Urges FEMA to Accredit Williston Levee

Levee Inclusion in Federal Flood Maps Supports Effective Protection of Residents & Property

WASHINGTON – Senators John Hoeven and Kevin Cramer and Congressman Kelly Armstrong this week urged Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Peter Gaynor to follow the Army Corps of Engineers’ recommendation to accredit the Williston Levee and include it in the agency’s updated flood maps. The Army Corps released the results of its risk assessment last week, finding that the Levee’s design standards and expected future performance warranted accreditation, which will help reduce property costs for local residents and support more effective flood mitigation efforts by the city. 

“FEMA mapping is designed to provide accurate, up-to-date flood hazard and risk information, helping communities to manage floodplain activities and mitigate impacts,” said the delegation. “In the wake of the Corps’ recent recommendation, we are urging FEMA to swiftly approve accreditation for the Williston Levee so that it is included in the next flood map. Its inclusion is critically important to the safety and well-being of Williston’s residents and property owners.”

Click here for the full text of the delegation’s letter.
