
Hoeven: VA Awards More than $900,000 to NDCHP to Help Veterans, Families Secure Permanent Housing

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven, who serves on the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee on Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, today announced that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has awarded a $902,472 grant to the North Dakota Coalition for Homeless People (NDCHP) to help veterans and their families secure permanent housing. The funds are made available through the VA’s Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program. This is NDCHP’s fifth year receiving funds through the program, which it has used to provide case management and other assistance to more than 600 veteran families in North Dakota.

“After serving our nation in the most selfless of ways, our servicemembers can face many challenges upon returning home,” Hoeven said. “Our veterans have earned our tireless support, and it is only proper that we help them and their families prosper and meet their needs. To this end, today’s award is an important part of our efforts and will help veteran families escape homelessness.”

Hoeven has worked extensively to improve veterans’ access to health care and extended care in their local communities. Hoeven and Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) introduced the Veterans Access to Long Term Care and Health Services Act, legislation that allows the VA to enter into provider agreements with qualified health care and extended care facilities. The bill enables more local providers to accept veteran patients without having to comply with burdensome and often times expensive federal contracting requirements. He is also cosponsoring the Veterans Access to Community Care Act, legislation that would allow veterans to seek local health care providers in their communities if they are unable to receive needed health care services from a VA facility, including a Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC), within 40 miles of their homes.
