
Hoeven Statement on Voting to Continue U.S. Government Operations, Support Veterans and Combat the Zika Virus

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement after voting to approve compromise legislation that will fund the continued operation of the United States government, provide record funding for our veterans and support efforts to combat the Zika virus. The measure passed with a large bipartisan majority:

“Today, I voted to approve a Continuing Resolution that will fund the U.S. government at the current year’s level through December 9, 2016, which prevents a government shutdown. The legislation also includes record funding for our veterans and $1.1 billion in emergency funding that will be used for vaccine development, mosquito control and healthcare services to address the Zika virus outbreak. Also included in the CR are resources to help combat the growing heroin and opioid abuse epidemic in North Dakota and across the country.

“As part of the bipartisan compromise, assistance for Flint, Michigan’s water supply issue will be addressed in the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA), which I support. The Senate passed the WRDA bill earlier this month and the House is expected to pass it presently.”
