
Hoeven Statement on Today's Supreme Court Decision Striking Down the EPA's Emissions Rule

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Hoeven issued the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s decision striking down the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) new more stringent mercury emission regulation:

“The U.S. Supreme Court today decided what we have believed for a long time: we all want good stewardship of the environment, but the rules need to be reasonable and achievable. The court said the EPA’s new emissions regulations ignored the enormous cost of compliance and failed to show that the rule is, in the words of Clean Air Act, ‘appropriate and necessary.’

“The right approach is to support the work being done by researchers like those at the Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) at the University of North Dakota. They are developing technologies to reduce carbon and other emissions from fossil fuels that will preserve the livelihoods of North Dakotans who have provided the residents and businesses of our state and region with reliable, affordable electricity for generations.” 
