
Hoeven Statement on Supreme Court's Decision to Stay President Obama's New Rules on CO2 Emissions

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement after being informed that the Supreme Court has stayed enforcement of President Obama’s plan to severely reduce the nation’s use of coal until after legal challenges are resolved. As a result of the decision, the September deadline for states to submit plans to the Environmental Protection Agency is no longer in effect.

“The Supreme Court’s decision was logical and welcome. I believe the coalition of 27 states, including North Dakota, made a powerful case for halting implementation of the rules. Clearly, the cost to coal companies and utilities to comply would be crippling and costly to consumers.”

Hoeven has worked with Senator Shelly Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) to introduce the bipartisan Affordable Reliable Energy Now Act (ARENA Act). This legislation would empower state governors to protect ratepayers from increases and ensure the reliability of the electricity grid while also preventing the EPA from mandating unproven technology or withholding highway funds from states not in compliance with the rule.

In August, the Environmental Protection Agency issued its final rule on proposed CO2 reductions and a timeline to implement them by 2030. The administration’s final rule will require North Dakota to reduce CO2 emissions by 45 percent, well above the 32 percent national average reduction and significantly higher than the 11 percent reduction required of North Dakota under the proposed rule.

According to Management Information Services, the CO2 rule will raise the price of power and gas for the average American family by more than $1,225 a year by 2030, and reduce the U.S. economy by more than $2.3 trillion over the next two decades.
