
Hoeven Statement on Proposal to Increase Tariffs on Chinese Imports

Senator Continues Pressing to Resolve Trade Deals as Soon as Possible, Helped Secure Provisions to Expand Foreign Markets in Senate Farm Bill

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement after the administration proposed an additional $200 billion in tariffs on imported goods from China. The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative will accept public comments on the proposal through August 17, 2018, and will hold a public hearing prior to finalizing the tariffs.

“China has too long benefitted from unfair trade practices and theft of intellectual property, with the cost being shouldered by American industry,” Hoeven said. “The administration is working to hold China accountable and secure a level playing field for our nation’s producers, including in the agriculture, energy and manufacturing sectors. However, times are tough in farm country, and our farmers and ranchers need the certainty that they will be able to access valuable foreign markets. That’s why I continue urging the administration to resolve these negotiations as soon as possible while also working to move a strong farm bill through conference committee and pass it into law, which will help provide the support our producers need.”

Hoeven continues to work to advance free and fair trade and has repeatedly pressed the administration, in meetings with the president, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, to help keep markets open and prevent retaliatory tariffs for North Dakota’s exporters, including farmers, ranchers, energy producers and manufacturers. The senator has also stressed the importance of good trade deals in continuing the economic growth that has been spurred by tax reform and regulatory relief.  

Further, Hoeven worked to include provisions in the Senate’s recently-passed farm bill to help create, expand and maintain foreign markets for U.S. agriculture products. The bill consolidates the Market Access Program (MAP), Foreign Market Development (FMD), Emerging Market Program (EMP) and the Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops (TASC) under one export umbrella to provide producers with continued access to export programs.
