
Hoeven Statement on President's Decision to Move U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem

Move Recognizes Jerusalem as Capital of Israel

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven today released the following statement about the President’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and begin the process of relocating the U.S. embassy.

“We support the President’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to begin the process of relocating the U.S. embassy. Congress directed, with strong bipartisan support in 1995, that the embassy be moved to Jerusalem. Earlier this year, the Senate voted 90-0 in favor of a resolution calling on the President to abide by the 1995 law. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem in no way prejudges the outcome of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. The specifics of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem must be determined through negotiations and we continue to encourage Israelis and Palestinians to reach a peace deal.” 
