
Hoeven Statement on Nuclear Posture Review

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement after the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) released its Nuclear Posture Review, which establishes U.S. nuclear policy and strategy, and outlines the nation’s capabilities and force for the coming years.x

“I commend the Administration for its very sober and prudent approach to nuclear deterrence. Unlike during the Cold War, the United States now must deter several nuclear adversaries that each possess unique capabilities and pose unique potential threats both to the United States and our allies.  

“The new NPR recognizes that in order to deter these potential threats, we must maintain a variety of nuclear capabilities. This is why we must modernize all three legs of our nuclear triad as well as our stockpile of nuclear warheads.

“I believe nuclear deterrence is the foundation of our national security. I take seriously my responsibility to work through the Senate Appropriations Committee to identify the funds necessary to ensure our nuclear deterrent retains the power, credibility and flexibility to deter attacks on the United States and our allies.”

As a member of the Senate Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee and co-chair of the Senate Air Force Caucus, Hoeven has been working to support North Dakota’s nuclear missions. In January, the Senator secured a commitment from General Robin Rand, the Commander of Air Force Global Strike Command, to sustain and enhance the B-52, the Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM) and the facilities at Minot Air Force Base.

Additionally, as part of these ongoing efforts, the Senator helped secure the following provisions in the Fiscal Year 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA):

  • $108.6 million in authorized funding for the Air Force to replace the UH-1N Huey helicopter that provides security for the intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) located around Minot Air Force Base.
  • $586 million authorized to sustain the existing fleet of ICBMs and $215.7 million for the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent program to develop a replacement for the existing Minuteman III.
  • Authorizes $221.4 million for upgrades to the B-52 and $451 million for the Long Range Stand Off (LRSO) missile to replace the aging Air Launched Cruise Missile carried on the B-52.

Hoeven hosted the Vice President and Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson at Minot Air Force Base last year to review the dual-nuclear missions. Additionally, following invitations from Hoeven, both Air Force Secretary Wilson and Defense Secretary Mattis visited the Minot Air Force Base to see the work of the base’s airmen firsthand as they work to ensure the nation has a credible nuclear force to deter aggression against the U.S. and counter rogue nations, like North Korea. 
