
Hoeven Statement on Judge’s Order Ensuring North Dakota’s DAPL Protest Damages Lawsuit Can Proceed

BISMARCK, N.D. – Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement after U.S. Federal Judge Daniel Traynor issued an order rejecting the federal government’s motion for summary judgement in North Dakota’s lawsuit claiming damages from the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) protests. The state is seeking $38 million to cover its emergency response costs resulting from the federal government negligence during the protests. This comes in addition to the $10 million that Hoeven secured in 2017 as a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee to help reimburse the state.

“The federal government’s refusal to enforce the law and properly police illegal activity occurring on federal lands during the DAPL protests resulted in significant costs to the state, above and beyond the $10 million that we secured to reimburse these expenses,” said Hoeven. “We appreciate Judge Traynor’s continued insistence that the lawsuit be allowed to proceed, helping to ensure accountability for federal officials who neglected their responsibilities during these protests.”

Hoeven has been working to provide certainty for DAPL’s operations, which are critical to North Dakota and the Three Affiliated Tribes’ energy industry. The senator has repeatedly pressed U.S. Army Corps officials to complete the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process as quickly as possible, with the draft EIS having been issued in September. Hoeven also worked to ensure DAPL’s continued operation while the Corps completes the court-ordered review.
