
Hoeven Statement on House Passage of the Five-Year Farm Bill

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives passed a five-year farm bill.

“House passage of the federal five-year compromise farm bill today is good for our farmers and ranchers and good for American consumers. As a member of the farm bill conference committee, I worked with the conferees to come up with a compromise bill that could gain support in both the House and the Senate, as well as with Republicans and Democrats. The measure passed the House with a strong bipartisan majority of 251 to 166, with Republicans voting 162 in favor and 63 against and Democrats voting 89 in favor and 103 against. The measure now goes to the Senate for final passage.

“I want to commend Congressman Kevin Cramer, who worked hard to gain support among his colleagues in the House. In conversations with House leadership, including Speaker John Boehner, as well as Congressman Paul Ryan, I was told that Congressman Cramer worked tirelessly to win support for this key legislation for North Dakota and the nation.

“We are now working with leadership to schedule a vote on the new farm bill in the Senate as soon as possible, so that we can give our farmers and ranchers the certainty and tools they need to plan for this spring’s planting.”