
Hoeven Statement on Department of Interior Stream Buffer Rule

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement in response to the proposed Stream Buffer Rule, which the Department of Interior issued today:

“Mining and reclamation procedures vary throughout the country. The coal and the geography are not the same in North Dakota as they are in Appalachia. That’s why we continue to be concerned with the department’s one-size-fits-all approach to revising the Stream Buffer Rule and believe Interior should instead work with the states. The proposed rule is going to impose new costs and threaten jobs, while not actually improving environmental quality for many of our nation’s regions.

“The department needs to hold public hearings in the areas where this rule will have impacts, and local concerns have to be taken into account before this rule is finalized. We can ensure good environmental stewardship and water quality and at the same time not adversely impact jobs and the economy.”
