
Hoeven Statement on Administration's Budget Request for FY2021

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven, chairman of the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Committee, today issued the following statement after the administration released its budget request for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021:

“The Administration’s budget request makes important investments in important priorities, including modernizing our nuclear deterrent, funding the border wall and giving proper support to our servicemembers and veterans. While the budget continues efforts to rebuild our nation’s military, we don’t agree with the proposed reduction in funding for our nation’s intelligence gathering missions. As a member of the Senate Defense Appropriations Committee, I’ll continue working with my colleagues and Air Force leaders to ensure that these vital assets are properly funded.  

“Additionally, as the chairman of the Agriculture Appropriations Committee, I will work to ensure that we maintain support for our farmers and ranchers. While we have made important progress in trade negotiations and are providing much-needed disaster assistance, farm country is still facing difficult times. It is vital that we maintain the Farm Bill programs and risk management tools our producers rely on, like crop insurance. These programs are essential to maintaining farmers’ operations and are a central part of ensuring our citizens continue to have access to the highest quality, lowest cost food supply in the world. We will continue working to find savings where we can, but we must invest in our priorities. The president’s budget is a proposal, and now Congress will go to work to fund our priorities.”
