
Hoeven Selects Dickinson Native For Senate Page Program

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven today announced that Dickinson-native Sarah Strube has been selected to participate in the U.S. Senate Page Program’s fall 2012 session.

“It has been a pleasure to welcome Sarah to our Nation’s Capital during her semester-long participation in the United States Senate Page Program,” said Hoeven. “This prestigious, academically rigorous program is providing Sarah with the unique opportunity to study the legislative process from within the halls of Congress, and she has represented our state well as she continues to lend her many talents and strong work ethic to this historically rich program.”

The U.S. Senate has a longstanding tradition of welcoming high school students to work as pages dating back to 1829 when Senator Daniel Webster appointed the first Senate page. Today, sitting Senators may still appoint high school juniors to participate in the United States Senate Page Program. A total of 30 Senate page positions are available to students selected to serve during one academic semester of the school year or a summer session.

Senate pages serve primarily as messengers, delivering documents throughout the Capitol complex. Other responsibilities include preparing the Senate Chamber for each day’s business, distributing the Congressional Record and other documents related to daily business and assisting in the cloakrooms and chambers. Senate pages complete their studies during early morning classes held at the academically rigorous Senate Page School which is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.

Strube is a student at Trinity High School in Dickinson where she has excelled in both her academic and extracurricular pursuits. She is involved in a number of school activities, including as a member of the varsity girls swim team, speech team and student council, and has received recognition for her exceptional work ethic and equestrian skills.

Sarah is the first page Senator Hoeven has sponsored.

Senate Page Sarah Strube