
Hoeven Secures Funding to Help with DAPL Protest Costs

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today announced that North Dakota will receive up to $15 million in federal funding to help reimburse the state for costs incurred as a result of the Dakota Access Pipeline protests. Hoeven worked to include grant funding in the Department of Justice's budget as part of the Fiscal 2017 funding legislation announced today. The state must submit an application to the Department of Justice (DOJ), which will provide $15 million for emergency law enforcement events occurring during Fiscal Years 2016 and 2017. The program will be administered by the DOJ’s Office of Justice Programs State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance. The grant is part of a larger government funding bill, which must be approved by Congress. 

“As a member of the Appropriations Committee, I’ve worked to secure funding in the Department of Justice budget that states and localities can apply for to defer costs for emergency law enforcement situations, including the Dakota Access Pipeline protests,” said Hoeven. “This should enable North Dakota to get up to $15 million from the Fiscal Year 2017 budget to help defer the costs associated with that law enforcement effort.”

During the protests, Hoeven worked to secure federal law enforcement resources to support state and local law enforcement, as well as Army Corps of Engineer resources to help clean up the protest site prior to the spring thaw.
