
Hoeven Requests that NPS Extend Deadline for Public Comment on TRNP Wild Horse Management

Senator Continues Pushing Back on Efforts to Remove Wild Horse Herd

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven this week requested that the National Park Service (NPS) extend the deadline for public comment on the agency’s proposed options for managing the wild horses at Theodore Roosevelt National Park. In a letter to NPS Director Charles Sams, the senator called on the agency to extend the public comment period, originally scheduled to close on October 25, for an additional 30 days. Following Hoeven’s efforts this week with Director Sams, as well as NPS Midwest Regional Director Bert Frost and TRNP Superintendent Angie Richman, the agency agreed to extend the comment deadline to November 24, 2023.

Hoeven continues to push back on efforts to remove the horses and:

  • Give due consideration to the feedback provided by North Dakotans and other stakeholders and adequately account for the broad public support for maintaining the wild horse herd.
    • Hoeven continues to encourage North Dakotans to provide feedback to the agency during the comment period. The draft environmental assessment (EA) can be read here.
  • Maintain the wild horse herds consistent with the period when Theodore Roosevelt was a rancher in North Dakota.
    • This is consistent with a provision Hoeven secured in the Senate’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Interior funding legislation, which has been approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee.

“Wild horses at Theodore Roosevelt National Park have existed in the park for decades, consistent with the historic scene during Theodore Roosevelt’s time in North Dakota. Given the significant interest in maintaining wild horses at the park, members of the public should have ample opportunity to fully review the draft EA and provide meaningful input on any proposed changes to the management plan,” said Hoeven. “A 30-day extension of the comment period is necessary to ensure members of the public are able to contribute to a well-informed decision related to the future management of wild horses at the park.”

Today’s efforts build upon Hoeven’s previous work to advance this priority with NPS, including a February meeting Hoeven convened with Sams and state leaders to outline concerns with NPS’s proposal to remove the wild horses from TRNP.
