
Hoeven Outlines Importance of Modernizing Nuclear Triad at Task Force 21 Symposium on Capitol Hill

As Member of Senate Defense Appropriations Committee, Senator Working to Strengthen Nuclear Deterrent

WASHINGTON – At the Task Force 21 Nuclear Triad Symposium on Capitol Hill, Senator John Hoeven today made the case for continuing to modernize our nation’s nuclear triad. Hoeven outlined the importance of a strong nuclear deterrent as the most effective strategy to preserve peace and stability. 

“Our nuclear weapons provide the foundation on which all of our other capabilities are built. We need strong conventional forces, but without a strong deterrent, our nuclear adversaries would simply escalate conflicts beyond our conventional capability to respond. We can’t have one without the other. This means that we must invest in the modernization of our deterrent,” said Hoeven. “Nuclear weapons help keep the peace and they will remain foundational to national security for the foreseeable future.”

Hoeven outlined his work as a member of the Senate Defense Appropriations Committee to provide resources for strengthening the nuclear triad. The Senate Appropriations Committee approved Fiscal Year 2024 Appropriations bills with funding to modernize the triad, including:

·       $4.5 billion to support the Sentinel Ground-Based Strategic Deterrent, which will replace the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).

·       $880 million for the Long Range Stand Off Weapon, the new nuclear cruise missile carried on the B-52.

·       $990 million to upgrade the B-52, including new engines.

·       $5.1 billion for the B-21 program; and

·       $3.1 billion to develop modernized warheads for all of these delivery systems Department of Defense (DoD) is developing.

Hoeven delivered the remarks at a symposium hosted by Task Force 21 Minot in coordination with Peter Huessy, President of Geostrategic Analysis and Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute. The goal of the symposium is to build support for sustaining and modernizing all three legs of the nuclear triad.   
