
Hoeven Helps Introduce Resolution Supporting Free Exercise of Religion

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven this week helped introduce a resolution with Senator Rick Scott to support Americans’ free exercise of religion. The resolution recognizes the inconsistent manner in which some state and local governments have enforced COVID-19 restrictions against places of worship, in comparison to other gatherings, and stresses the Senate’s commitment to the rights, liberties and protections outlined in the Constitution.

"The free exercise of religion is central to our nation and our Constitution,” said Hoeven. “Preventing the spread of COVID-19 is an important priority. However, the policies put in place have not been enforced consistently by certain states and localities with religious gatherings receiving the most stringent of responses while other gatherings have been permitted or faced fewer restrictions. Our resolution makes clear that this does not align with our founding principles and seeks to recommit the Senate to protecting this essential right.” 

In addition to Hoeven and Scott, the resolution is cosponsored by Senators Kevin Cramer, Marsha Blackburn, John Boozman, Mike Braun, Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, Cindy Hyde-Smith, James Lankford, Kelly Loeffler, David Perdue, Mike Rounds, Marco Rubio, Thom Tillis and Roger Wicker. The full text of the resolution can be found here.
