
Hoeven: FERC Approves North Bakken Expansion Pipeline

Approval Comes After Hoeven Led Bipartisan Group of 25 Senators Pressing FERC to Act on Pending Natural Gas Pipeline Projects

BISMARCK, N.D. – Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, today announced that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has approved WBI Energy’s proposed North Bakken Expansion Pipeline. Hoeven has been working to secure approval for the $260 million natural gas expansion project, which will help to reduce flaring in the Bakken and provide an additional 250 million cubic feet per day of natural gas takeaway capacity for operators in the region.

After FERC’s consideration of new pipeline approvals appeared to stall since October 2020, Hoeven led a bipartisan group of 25 senators in April in calling on FERC to act on vital energy infrastructure projects by reviewing the North Bakken Expansion project and 13 other natural gas pipeline infrastructure projects pending before the Commission. The North Dakota delegation had earlier expressed their support for the project and urged FERC to take timely action on the project. 

“The North Bakken Expansion Pipeline is a $260 million infrastructure project in our state that will help to reduce flaring in the Bakken, providing an additional 250 million cubic feet per day of capacity to bring natural gas to market,” said Senator Hoeven. “We’ve been making the case to FERC to advance critical projects like the North Bakken Expansion Pipeline, which has been awaiting FERC consideration since its formal filing in February 2020. This infrastructure will provide both important economic and environmental benefits for North Dakota, and today is an important step forward.”

“The North Bakken Expansion project will help get more North Dakota natural gas to market while creating jobs, reducing emissions, and bringing economic growth to our state,” said Senator Cramer. “We are grateful the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has approved the project and look forward to its completion.”

“FERC’s approval of the North Bakken Expansion Project is excellent news for North Dakota. This project will help Bakken producers improve their natural gas capture rate, which will reduce flaring and increase our supply of American energy,” said Congressman Armstrong. “Pipelines are essential infrastructure, and this approval is an integral part of maintaining American energy independence.” 
