
Hoeven: EPA Finalizes Rule to Remove Barriers to Reducing Emissions and Encourage Investment in New Technology

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven today released the following statement after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized a rule that better enables businesses to invest in new technologies to reduce emissions. The rule repeals the previous Once In, Always In (OIAI) policy under the Clean Air Act, which permanently classified facilities as “major sources” of hazardous air pollutants and imposed significant regulatory burdens even if the business lowered its emissions. 

Under the final rule, facilities may be reclassified as an “area source,” a less restrictive classification with fewer permitting and paperwork requirements, if it decreases its emissions to meet the lower threshold. This encourages businesses to invest in new technology to upgrade their pollution control systems, improving environmental stewardship. 

“The EPA’s previous OIAI policy was a strong example of a counterproductive regulation, imposing costly requirements that hurt economic growth while also providing no incentive for businesses to reduce hazardous emissions,” said Hoeven. “This new rule is exactly the kind of regulatory relief that we’ve worked with the administration to provide, as it supports businesses in upgrading their operations with the latest technology, empowering a stronger economy and better environmental stewardship.”  
