
Hoeven Continues Pressing for Timely Mail Service, Working to Address Mail and Newspaper Delivery Delays in Dickinson

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven this week continued working to ensure timely mail service in North Dakota. Following up on a call yesterday between Hoeven and Angela Bye, U.S. Postal Service (USPS) District Manager for North Dakota and Minnesota, Hoeven’s office today reiterated concerns with delays in the delivery of mail, packages and newspapers in the Dickinson area. 

“After hearing about issues with mail and newspaper delivery in the Dickinson area, our office raised the issue directly with USPS leadership including District Manager Bye. They indicated they will look into these issues and work to address them. We’ll continue pressing USPS to ensure timely delivery for our residents, especially with the holiday season and winter weather approaching.”

Today’s call follows Hoeven’s call earlier this week with Bye. The senator continues to:

  • Stress the importance of ensuring timely mail, newspaper and package delivery service across the state.
  • Urge USPS to promptly work through the backlog of repairs for USPS-owned cluster box unit (CBU) mailboxes, including in Minot.
    •  Address the need to make the Minot post office more accessible, particularly during the winter.
