
Hoeven Celebrates Grand Opening of Levinson Technology and Business Center

New Facility Will House Affinity Global Solutions

BISMARCK, N.D. – Senator John Hoeven today marked the grand opening of the new Affinity Global Solutions Headquarters in Bismarck. The new 21,000 square-foot, two-story Levinson Technology and Business Center will house Affinity Global Solutions’ 16 employees and provide additional commercial rental space for area businesses.

Hoeven has been working, both as governor and now as senator, to help foster the growth of technology and small businesses in North Dakota. As governor, Hoeven targeted technology as one of five key industries for growth. He is currently working in the U.S. Senate to promote STEM education initiatives in support of North Dakota’s thriving technology sector.

“Today’s groundbreaking for Affinity Global Solutions’ new Levinson Technology and Business Center reflects both the ingenuity and hard work of Trish and Brent Levinson and their employees as well as our state’s ongoing commitment to fostering the innovative companies like Affinity that are developing cutting-edge technologies across business sectors,” Hoeven said.

Affinity Global Solutions, a software development company specializing in finance and budgeting software for public sector entities, is owned by Trish and Brent Levinson. The company is a leader in the electronic governmental systems market, providing budget systems for eight states, including North Dakota. The company developed its first budget preparation software for the State of North Dakota. This software was implemented in 1996, and the state subsequently implemented two new versions of the software during Hoeven’s governorship. Software created by the company is also used to issue hunting and fishing licenses in North Dakota.

The Levinsons decided to relocate Affinity Global Solutions following the 2011 flood. Affinity Global Solutions’ previous Bismarck location was located in the flood plain, causing potential problems for the hardware and software stored on site.

The new Levinson Technology and Business Center was created with green technology, green construction materials, LED lighting and geothermal heating and cooling. The project was funded with assistance from the Small Business Administration’s 504 Certified Development Company program and the North Dakota Opportunity fund.