
Hoeven, Bipartisan Group Meet with President Biden on Infrastructure

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven released the following statement after meeting with President Biden, along with a bipartisan group of former governors and mayors, to discuss infrastructure. Hoeven indicated that a bipartisan infrastructure bill is important and possible, but it needs to have a targeted focus on infrastructure and not raise taxes. The senator cited potential pay-fors, including user fees that account for electric vehicles, energy development on federal lands, and the leveraging of federal dollars for infrastructure through public-private partnerships (P3s) like the Red River Valley flood protection project and legislation like Hoeven’s Move America Act, among others. 

“We support updating our roads, bridges, railways, airports, broadband and other traditional public infrastructure in a targeted and bipartisan manner. We also support investing in energy infrastructure, including enhancing the 45Q tax credit to accelerate the deployment of carbon capture and sequestration projects, as well as pipelines, like the Dakota Access Pipeline,” said Hoeven. “There is broad support for infrastructure, and I believe a bipartisan bill is possible, but we need to find agreement to make these updates in a targeted way that doesn’t raise taxes.”
