

FARGO, N.D. – Sen. John Hoeven and Rep. Rick Berg met with hospital administrators and veterans at the U.S. Veterans Medical Center in Fargo today for a briefing on hospital issues and a tour of recent projects at the facility.

“The Veterans Medical Center provides medical services to thousands of veterans in our state as well as in Minnesota and South Dakota,” Hoeven said. “Providing reliable, high quality care is a key part of the promise we make to our veterans who put themselves in harm’s way to serve our nation.”

“I’m grateful for the sacrifice of the men and women who bravely serve our country in the military,” Berg said. “Today was a great opportunity to meet some of them and get to know the people at this Veterans Medical Facility who help care for veterans in our region.”

The Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Fargo is a general medical, surgical, and psychiatry facility with 39 medical and surgical beds and 38 community living center beds. The Fargo VA Medical Center offers medical services to 89,000 veterans residing in North Dakota, northwestern Minnesota and northeastern South Dakota. Last year, the facility served 30,500 different patients.

Hoeven was recently appointed to the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee of the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee. The meetings at the Fargo Veterans Medical Center provided a valuable update of its operations in North Dakota and an opportunity to visit in person with veterans who are receiving medical care there.