
Hoeven Announces Agenda for Energy Symposium

FARGO, N.D. – Senator John Hoeven today announced the agenda for the North Dakota Energy Technology Symposium at North Dakota State University on March 5, 2012.  Hoeven and NDSU are hosting the conference, which is sponsored by the University, the Howard Baker Forum and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.  

“North Dakota is a leader in the nation’s energy industry, and we continue to develop new technologies that produce more energy for our nation, with greater efficiency and better environmental stewardship,” said Hoeven. “This conference provides the opportunity for experts from industry, government and education to come together and find ways to further our nation’s energy technologies.”

 Visit http://www.regonline.com/northdakotaenergytechnologysymposium or contact evendevoorde@bakerdonelson.com for more information and to register to attend the conference.

 Conference highlights include: 

8:00 AM         Registration 

8:45 AM         Welcome: Dr. J. Bruce Rafert, Provost, NDSU     

9:00 AM         North Dakota's Computing Center: Opportunities for National Leadership                       

Dr. Philip Boudjouk, Vice President for Research, Creative Activities and Technology Transfer, NDSU

Dr. Martin Ossowski, Director, Center for Computationally Assisted Science and  Technology, NDSU                       

9:30 AM         Perspectives from a National Laboratory: High Performance Computing and American Innovation                       

Dr. Tomás Díaz de la Rubia, Deputy Director for Science and Technology, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory                                   

Dr. Frederick Streitz, Director, Institute for Scientific Computing Research, Computation Directorate, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

10:15 AM        Oil and Gas Production:  Computing in the Bakken - Improving Access to and Maximizing Output from Existing Fossil Fuel Resources Through Modeling and Simulation 

Moderator: Dr. Kalpana Katti, Distinguished Professor, Civil Engineering, NDSU 

-Matt Thompson, General Manager for the QEP Legacy Division, QEP Resources, Inc.

-Lynn Helms, Director, North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources

-Dr. Gerald Groenewold, Director, Energy and Environmental Research Center, UND 

-Dr. Steve Bohlen, Deputy Program Director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

11:45 AM        Keynote Address: Increasing Energy Independence Through Technology                       

The Honorable John Hoeven, United States Senate            

1:30 PM          Wind Energy:  Powering the Plains Through High Performance Computing - Making Alternative Energy Mainstream 

Moderator: Dr. Alan Kallmeyer, Chair and Professor, Mechanical Engineering, NDSU 

-Bill Burga, Director, Business Unit, LM Wind Power Blades 

-Andy Paliszewski, Director of Wind R & D, Siemens Energy 

-Nalu Kaahaaina, Zero Carbon Energy Program, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 

3:00 PM          Transmission:  Putting the Smart Into Smart Grid 

Moderator: Dr. Kendall Nygard, Professor, Computer Science, NDSU 

-Priti Patel, Director of Transmission Strategic Initiatives, Xcel Energy 

-Matthew Stoltz, Manager of Transmission Services, Basin Electric                       

 -Dale Osborn, Transmission Planning Technical Director & Principal Advisor, Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator            

 -Richard O'Neill, Chief Economic Advisor, Division of Policy Development, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

-Dr. Julio Friedmann, Chief Energy Technologist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

4:30 PM          Closing Address:                        

Dr. Tomás Díaz de la Rubia, Deputy Director for Science and Technology, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory