
Hoeven Announces Agenda for 2018 Great Plains & EmPower ND Energy Conference

Keynote Speakers Include Deputy Energy Secretary and Chief Economist for American Petroleum Institute

BISMARCK, N.D. – Senator John Hoeven today announced the agenda for this year’s Great Plains and EmPower ND Energy Conference, which is taking place on Monday, October 8, at the National Energy Center of Excellence at Bismarck State College. The conference is hosted by North Dakota’s congressional delegation and governor, Bismarck State College, Great Plains Energy Corridor, KLJ and the North Dakota Department of Commerce. 

“North Dakota is an energy powerhouse and is playing an ever-increasing role in our nation’s energy security,” Hoeven said. “As the number two oil-producing state, we have helped secure our country’s position as the top crude oil producer in the world. That’s due to the hard work and innovation of our energy industry as well as our efforts to create a pro-growth business climate. That’s what our annual Empower ND Conference is all about – outlining the latest technology and practices in the energy sector and advancing the legal, tax and regulatory reforms that support an all-of-the-above approach to energy development.”

The congressional delegation and Lt. Gov. Brent Sanford will kick off the event with a roundtable on efforts to encourage innovation and strengthen the development of all of the state and nation’s energy resources. Immediately following, they will hold a press conference with the keynote speakers, including Deputy Secretary Dan Brouillette from the U.S. Department of Energy and Dean Foreman, the Chief Economist for the American Petroleum Institute.

The full agenda below is subject to change:

7:45 am           Registration and Continental Breakfast 

8:05 am           Welcoming Remarks
                       Dr. Larry C. Skogen, President, Bismarck State College

8:10 am           All of the Above: The Big Picture in State and National Energy Policy
                       U.S. Senator John Hoeven
                       U.S. Senator Heidi Heitkamp
                       U.S. Congressman Kevin Cramer
                       North Dakota Lt. Gov. Brent Sanford
                       Moderator: Jason Bohrer, President and CEO, Lignite Energy Council

The energy industry is facing challenges, but North Dakota leads the way in demonstrating what is needed to create a strong, affordable and diverse energy mix. Hear from the state’s leaders on what they see as a critical need in shaping the state’s energy future and get the chance to text in your questions during this live Q&A discussion.

9:30 am           Networking Break 

9:40 am           Press Conference – National Energy Center of Excellence Room #432
                       Congressional Delegation & Lt. Governor
                       Keynote Speakers from Department of Energy & American Petroleum Institute

9:50 am           Perspectives from U.S. Department of Energy
                       Dan Brouillette, Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy
                       Introduced by Josh DeMorrett, Director of Stakeholder Relations, Great Plains Business Unit, ConocoPhillips

Hear from a top official of the U.S. Department of Energy on what key drivers will be shaping national energy policy over the next few years.

10:10 am         Discussion on National Energy Policy
                       Led by Dave Thompson, Prairie Public

How has national energy policy influenced planning for energy expansion and development? What impacts will the reversal of the Clean Power Plan have on generation in North Dakota? Listen to a fireside chat with the Deputy Energy Secretary to continue this discussion.

10:45 am         Networking Break 

11:00 am         Global Markets, Advanced Technology and Energy Pricing for U.S. Oil
                       Dean Foreman, Ph.D., Chief Economist, American Petroleum Institute
                       Introduced by Ron Day, Government & Public Affairs Manager, Andeavor

As U.S. oil markets surge, what sort of future should North Dakota be prepared for in petroleum? Learn how new technology innovations and the global energy market are impacting the state. 

12:00 pm        Lunch

1:00 pm          Growth and Development of Renewable Generation
                      John DiDonato, Vice President, NextEra Energy Resources

State and federal policies are important drivers for growth in wind power and other sources of renewable generation. North Dakota has been called the Saudi Arabia of wind, with the capacity to produce more than one billion kilowatt hours of electrical energy. What factors influence demand for wind energy? Is the state poised to take advantage of growth in the renewable sector?

1:20 pm          All of the Above Generation Infrastructure
                      Stacey Dahl, Sr. Manager of External Affairs & Communications, Minnkota Power 
                      Betsy Engelking, Vice President – Strategy, Geronimo Energy
                      Moderator: Julie Fedorchak, Commissioner, N.D. Public Service Commission

Regional experts weigh in on the biggest impacts to their industry now and potentially in the future by answering specific generation questions: 1. How is national policy affecting your ability to provide baseload power? 2. What state policy would you like to see changed to address needs? 3. What does the marketplace look like for your industry over the next 20 years? And 4. What policy changes would have the biggest impact on your existing operations?

2:30 pm          Networking Break

2:45 pm          Unique Opportunities of the Energy Industry
                      Gary Zuroff, Public Works Director, City of Dickinson
                      Dan Inman, V.P. & Chief Information Security Officer, Minnkota Power 
                      Ross Manson, Chief Innovation Officer, EideBailly
                      Moderator: Shawn Kessel, Deputy Commissioner, N.D. Department of Commerce

New technologies and innovations mean constant change in the energy industry. Which technologies or changes could most impact your utility? What are the biggest areas of opportunities in the future? Hear from a panel representing several of the biggest disruptors in traditional energy operations about what is on the horizon.

4:00 pm          Wrap-up
                      North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum
