
Hoeven Announces $3.6 Million in Federal Funding for Fort Totten School District

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven, who serves on the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee and the Impact Aid Coalition, today announced that the Department of Education (ED) has awarded $3,615,250 to Fort Totten School District through its Impact Aid Discretionary Construction Grant Program. The program authorizes competitive grants for emergency repairs and modernization of school facilities to certain eligible local educational agencies that receive Impact Aid. The grant will total $3,615,250 for the first budget period (12/1/2015 – 12/1/2017) and it is anticipated that the grant will be for a total of two years.

The funds will be used to build a new facility to house Fort Totten’s alternative high school and Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. The old facility was severely water damaged, and the district was forced to evacuate due to mold and dust levels. The new 9,560 square foot facility will have classrooms and lab spaces for six teachers and 55-75 students, as well as storage, administrative and counseling areas.

“Today’s award is part of our ongoing efforts to give Native American youth access to greater opportunity in life through education and skills training,” Hoeven said. “This grant will be used to construct new facilities in the Fort Totten school district, which will provide students with a learning environment that is safe and healthy.”
